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Princess Megan has an Associates Of Art Degree in Journalism and diplomas in Free Lance Writing and Short Story Writing. I have 2 published novels: Passage To Romance and Princess Of Scruples. I work as a Qualified Medication Assistant in mental health. I am married and have a striped gray cat named Tigger. I am a Moderator at I am also a Creative Scrapbook Designer and writing is my passion. Check out my stories in my Port.
Wonderland, Going Down The Rabbit Hole
#1034614 added July 16, 2022 at 11:45pm
Restrictions: None
b Pool Of Tears B.3
Prompt: 3. Alice's Right Foot. Unable to find her feet, Alice decides to send presents to them. Write a short story or poem about a missing body limb and your attempts to find it. Letter writing optional.

I got out of bed and started to get ready to go to Barnes and Nobles. I put on my clothes. I put on my make up and combed my hair. My hair was flat on the right side. I touched my ear. Ear? It was gone! What happened? What do I do? I finished getting dressed and drove to Barnes and Nobles. Someone passed me and was honking and giving me the bird. I almost ran over a work man. I heard his truck beeping. Just barely. I guess someone was trying to get my attention to slow down. Am I losing my sight as well as half my hearing? I hope not! I have got to find my ear. I can't hear on my right side.

I made it to Barnes and Nobles. I looked up a book about hearing. What do to do if you can't hear. The chapter I need. Go see an Audiologist.I knew that. I picked up Danielle Steel's newest book. I don't need both ears to read. I paid for my book. The book seller said something. I waved. Guess she said Have a nice day.

I went to Clares Store. I tried on a head band and it was lopsided. I tried on hats. They were off balance. You would be surprised how you can miss your right ear. Some lady screamed and said she has no ear! I ran to my car in a hurry.

I stop by the Audiologist. The one woman who works there asked if she can help me. I looked around. Hearing Aids. I don't see any ears. I wonder if the Audiologist can make me an ear. Dumb idea. I just smile and say thanks.

Now what? I can't hear on my right side. Where is my ear? I go home and light a candle. I call for Dr. Bombay. You know. Samantha's Witch Doctor from Bewitched. Dr. Bombay shows up. I tell him I can't hear. I have no right ear. He looks and laughs. I can hear that laugh. He made me an ear out of pudding. It looks like an ear and feels like an ear. I try it on. I look like Spock. Seriously? He leaves and I still can't hear. I threw the ear out. It feels like jelly.

I go home and watch Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. Sabrina. I need your help. The next thing I know, I am sucked into the TV. Sabrina asked who are you? I am on Sabrina now. I tell her I am Megan. I tell her I am missing my right ear and I need her help. She gets her aunts. Hilda and Zelda. They brew up a brew in their cauldron and with some words of mumble jumble, I get a new ear. It looks like an elf's ear. Salem sits on my lap and I don't know what to do next. Salem licks the ear and it turns into a purse and looks like a sow's ear now. Sabrina and her aunts are nice. I have lunch with them. I guess I will never see my right ear again. I thank them and leave. They tried. Harvey drops by to visit. Sabrina should have stayed with him. Time for me to go. Like Survivor. I thank Sabrina and her aunts and give Salem a kiss.

I am back home. I go searching for my ear all over the house. I look everywhere and still no ear. I bumped my left ear on the door knob. My only ear is ringing Christmas bells. My ear hurts. I put ear drops in it. If I lose this ear, I am up the creek without a paddle. A spaceship lands in my yard. Great. Aliens. Just what I need. I wonder what body parts they will take. Sephora, The Queen Of Diamonds steps out of the spaceship. She is a good friend. She is from Saturn. I am so glad to see her. I run and give her a hug. She smiles at me. She tells me she knows about my ear. I asked her what could have happened to it. A sinus infection caused my ear to fall off she tells me. My other ear hurts. She touches it and it is all better. Sephora can help me. I ask her what do I do next.

Sephora brings out a picture of Van Gogh and an album of Beethoven. She tells me to look at the picture of Von Gogh and play the Beethoven album. I turned on Beethoven who we all know was deaf. I love his music. The room spins around and I pass out briefly. My Alice In Wonderland Cosmetics Bag lands in my lap. Sephora tells me to open it. I open it. There is my right ear! My ear is home! I put it on and it fits. Sephora tells me to drink this lavender and blue potion as she hands it to me. It tastes like tofu. Awful. I drink it up. She tells me my sinus problems are cleared up and I will never lose my ear again. I feel good now and I can hear sounds ten miles away. Wow. Sephora leaves and I hug her good bye. I am going to be alright. I hope I never lose a limb again. I missed my right ear. Why did it travel to my Alice Cosmetics bag? The Cheshire Cat appears and he is laughing. The caterpillar is sitting on my couch smoking. I question what is he smoking. He is smoking tea leaves. I should have known. Life can be an adventure.
983 Words
Alice, The Red Queen and Alice characters.

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