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Princess Megan has an Associates Of Art Degree in Journalism and diplomas in Free Lance Writing and Short Story Writing. I have 2 published novels: Passage To Romance and Princess Of Scruples. I work as a Qualified Medication Assistant in mental health. I am married and have a striped gray cat named Tigger. I am a Moderator at I am also a Creative Scrapbook Designer and writing is my passion. Check out my stories in my Port.
Wonderland, Going Down The Rabbit Hole
#1034651 added July 16, 2022 at 11:55pm
Restrictions: None
C The Rabbit Sends In A Little Bill c2
Prompt: You're trapped in a situation not of your own doing. How did you end up there and what can you do to get out of it? Kicking lizards out of chimneys is optional.

I decided to go for a walk in the cornfield. I saw a rabbit and a raccoon. They were out early. The corn was growing nicely. It was getting dark and I decided to go home. A big ape man was chasing me. Big Foot! It can't be. This is Indiana. He lives in Washington State or out in California. I am running down the country road where this isn't any traffic. The deer and squirrels play out here. There are some woods I never noticed before. I run through the woods. Big Foot is still coming. I am lost in the woods. It is getting dark. What do I do now?

I see a big, run down house. It is an old farmhouse. The paint is peeling. It has 3 stories. There are two broken windows. The metal doors are rusted out. I know this house. John Dillinger and Al Capone hung out in yhis house between bank robberies. These are the stories I have been told. I go inside the house. There is an old faded couch broken down couch. A rocking chair that is broken. A chimney with soot on the inside and outside. A lizard comes running out. He is all green. Cute. I pick him up and put him in my jacket. I like lizards. I walk to the kitchen. The cupboards are brown with mold and broken. The table has four chairs and one is turned over. The table tilts to the left. A glass cupboard is broke and a grey mouse runs past me. I scream. I go upstairs. Three bedrooms. The floors creak and the beds are all messed up. There is dust everywhere. There is a hole in the roof. It is raining. Nice.

Suddenly, I hear noises downstairs. I hear a man say we will hide out here for now. Bring the tote bag of money over here and put it in the fireplace.

"You didn't have to shot those two men."

"He was going push the alarm."

"We are stuck in this old, ugly house. I bet it is haunted."

"There are no such thing as ghosts."

I am here in the one bedroom. These guys are bank robbers and sounds like they murdered a man. Could it be the ghost of Al Capone or John Dillinger? I have to get a hold of myself and my imagination. I am not moving. My lizard friend is restless. I will let him run free. I turn him loose. Maybe I should have faced Big Foot. I didn't bring my phone. I always have my phone. I pray I will be alright.

"Hey, Harry. I am going to light this fire."

"Dumb Butt. It isn't safe in this old dumpy farm house. It will burn to the ground and we will have the police and fire department here."

"Harry. I wonder if anyone lives here and if they are home."

"Do you see anyone here? You are the dumbest partner in crime ever."

All of a sudden, someone is coming upstairs. Great. I hide in the closet. A man screams.

"Harry, what the heck is your problem?"

"Boss, a lizard jumped out at me. It is creepy up here."

"Get back down here. Dumb Butt."

Harry left. I pick up my lizard friend. I whisper Thank You.

It sure is raining. The guys are downstairs. I smell smoke. Cigarette smoke. I wonder how long they will be here. If they see me, they will shoot me. I sit here in a run down rocking chair. I just have to wait.

I don't like my situation at all. A raccoon runs past me. He makes noises at me. I scream.

"Who is up there? I am coming up to shoot you."


I stay in the closet. The man is upstairs now and is pointing a gun at me. It looks like Al Capone. He will shoot me. Al Capone died over 60 years ago. This can't be.

The partner in crime is yelling.

"Boss! A big, hairy Ape! Help me! He wants to eat me."

The Al Capone look alike leaves. Both men are screaming. Either the Al Capone look alike would have killed me or Big Foot. I will take the Alive Card for a thousand, Alex.

Everyone is quiet. I don't hear anymore yelling. Do I stay here or what? It is really dark. I will spend the night here. If I survive, I will try to get home tomorrow. Why didn't I bring my phone? The lizard is crawling up my jacket. I pet him. He is my only friend.

I hear something or someone snoring. I bet it is Big Foot. I will stay here.

I fell asleep. It is getting light now. My husband will wonder where I am. I fall back top sleep. I am still alive for now. I wake up. The sun is shining. The little lizard stayed with me. I get up and walked downstairs. I look outside. No bodies. I can see clearly now to walk home. My little lizard is still with me.

I walk out of the woods. There is my husband.

He hugs me. "Where have you been?"

I tell him about the Al Capone guy and partner and Big Foot. He doesn't believe me. We walk home. He asks me if I am going to keep the lizard. I said yes.

I never go out past dark again. I haven't seen Al Capone or Big Foot but I do love my new pet lizard Lazarus.I did enjoy my adventure though. I saw a ghost and Big Foot. Not everyone can have that honor but I did.

995 Words

Alice In Wonderland Movie Image

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