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Princess Megan has an Associates Of Art Degree in Journalism and diplomas in Free Lance Writing and Short Story Writing. I have 2 published novels: Passage To Romance and Princess Of Scruples. I work as a Qualified Medication Assistant in mental health. I am married and have a striped gray cat named Tigger. I am a Moderator at I am also a Creative Scrapbook Designer and writing is my passion. Check out my stories in my Port.
Wonderland, Going Down The Rabbit Hole
#1034654 added July 3, 2022 at 6:31pm
Restrictions: None
C The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill c.3
Prompt: Enormous Creatures- Alice came across a large puppy and played with it for awhile, didn't she? What pet would you like to see in such a size and how would you go about taking care of it {if you could}

I want a large puppy like Alice found. I want a Corgi. He would be brown and white with big, innocent brown eyes or if I could get him with big blue eyes, that would be nice. What do I name him? Medallion. Just because He would be a prize and special. He would probably grow as big as Clifford the Big Red Dog. I would build a giant pole barn for him to live in. I would need a feeding trough like pigs have and a large drinking bin like cows have. I would get advice from the near by farmers who raise cattle and horses. I could probably ride around on the Corgi. I would have to teach him to be friendly to deer and other animals. I would have to build a big fence for him to roam.

A bed. I would have to buy a big, dog bed or make my own. I would have to see how big my puppy would get. Maybe he will be a baby bear all his life. I know he is a dog but I picture him the size of a bear. He would be sweet and loving.

I imagine I would go through a lot of dog food. I would make sure I had plenty. I would go to Tractor Supply. They have all kind of sizes of food for dogs. I would hire a dog trainer to help me train him. Toys. I would buy him toys. Big chew toys. Maybe some noisy ones. I would just want him to be content and entertain himself.

With the price of gas and living in the country, I could ride him to town. I know this is pushing it. We would take the back country roads. People ride their horses so I could ride my Corgi. Another thought.Since he is huge, I could hitch him to a sleigh or carriage. Only two people in the carriage or sleigh at a time.

Maybe I would get famous with my Corgi and Queen Elizabeth could visit. She loves Corgis. The Queen would love him and he would love her.

Maybe My Corgi and I could outrun a horse. I would sure try.

I have to keep in mind my giant puppy can't sleep in the house, so I will stay with him in the pole barn. I would make sure the pole barn has heating and air conditioning. I would just stay out there with him. I can't be with him all the time so I would have to lock him up so he doesn't run off. I would leave a picture of me with him. Maybe I would have a doll that looks like me and my size so he wouldn't get lonely. I put the doll of me beside him.

I can imagine running with him in the fields and woods. We would have to be careful that he didn't destroy crops or anything. In the woods, I wouldn't let him hurt squirrels, deer or birds. He would be friendly with everyone and all creatures. I can imagine he would make a big splash in the ditch. He would probably like the lakes near by. I would have to get a boat big enough for him and to ride in on the lake.

Indiana gets cold. So, I would have my mother or friends who knit help me make him a sweater. Maybe we could make him some boots, too or be able to buy some.

My puppy. Cleaning up after him. I would need a big scoop and trash bags. Make that a shovel.

I would need a big hose to give him water. On a hot, summer day, I would spray him with water to cool him off.

Taking him to the Vet. My Cruz is too small. I would buy a big, horse trailer and put him in it. I would put a nice pillow in it for him and a blanket.

This big puppy could run off someone trying to cause me harm. He would make a good body guard.

I would probably be outside with him in the summer. I would fix hot dogs and hamburgers and give him some to eat. I would get him a shirt that comforts him in case someone set off fireworks. He could stay calm.

I would like to take my big Corgi to the County Fair. I would have to have a big lease. I would have to practice walking him so he wouldn't walk me or I would be suspended in mid air. I would teach him to like cows, horses and sheep and be able to smell noses so he could get to know them. I could show him like a Show Dog. It wouldn't be fair if he won but if they give me a purple ribbon, I would like hang it by his picture in the pole barn. I hope everyone would like my giant puppy or maybe I should say dog since he would grow. Maybe he could be in his own special dog show.

This is the story of me and my giant Corgi. I would hope I wouldn't need to register him as a farm animal because anyone would be able to tell he is a dog. I would need to teach him to shake hands gently. I would teach him to fetch, roll over, play dead and if the need to be, sick em. Okay. I think I have supplied all I would need for my puppy and I would love him dearly. This is my giant Corgi Dog story and I am sticking to it and him always.

990 Words
Mad Hatter, Tea Set and Alice Image

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