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Princess Megan has an Associates Of Art Degree in Journalism and diplomas in Free Lance Writing and Short Story Writing. I have 2 published novels: Passage To Romance and Princess Of Scruples. I work as a Qualified Medication Assistant in mental health. I am married and have a striped gray cat named Tigger. I am a Moderator at I am also a Creative Scrapbook Designer and writing is my passion. Check out my stories in my Port.
Wonderland, Going Down The Rabbit Hole
#1034895 added July 8, 2022 at 10:15pm
Restrictions: None
H. The Mock Turtle's Story H.2
Prompt: Educations: The Mock Turtle has received quite a lot of educations under the sea like the different branches of Arithmetic-Ambition, Distraction,Uglification and Derision. Share with us a most unique branch of education entirely from your imagination.

The First course:
Life In Bots and Pieces:

Spotting a scam. Your phone rings and the caller ID says Jamaica. I don't know anyone in Jamaica. I am not answering the phone. Someone tells you you will receive a thousand dollars and you just need to invest $20.00. Once someone called and told me to turn on my computer and they will clean up viruses from your computer. I hung up. I don't answer the phone unless I know who is calling or I am expecting a phone call.

Self assessment. Find out what you are really good at and what you aren't so good at is a challenging aspect. It takes practice and knowing what you need to improve on. Get in touch with your inner self.

Balance. Balance your life. Quiet family time. Manage your time wisely and get your priorities in life straight.

Life isn't fair. Don't expect it to be. Sometimes, things will work out and sometimes, they won't. Learn to accept disappointments.

Learning about life. I have learned about life from watching soap operas when I was a teenager. A character on a soap has a lot of problems and marries more then once but I know that people don't get married 4 to 8 times. I learned about love, sex, finding out about siblings they didn't know about from soap operas. I found out I had a half sister. I was an only child. I accepted my half sister. It works out in soaps, it will work out for me. It did. I had several romances but I only married once. I am a hopeless romantic. I learned that from soaps.

Second Course:

Learning from Jane Austen. eyestar~* I knew this was coming!

Emma- Learn to listen and pay attention to everyday matters. Pay attention to things that happen in your personal life and learn something new everyday.

Northanger Abbey-Keep a sense of wonder alive I am always wondering about things.

Pride and Prejudice- Learn from mistakes. You make a mistake, you learn from it and don't let it happen again.

Persuasion- Be honest. Always tell the truth and you will be respected and a caring person.

Sense and Sensibility- True love takes time. This is so true. It goes beyond a crush or an infatuation. True love lasts forever!

Staying home. Jane Austen couldn't understand why people didn't want to stay at home. Jane hated moving and my father, mother and I moved a lot when Dad was in the Air Force. I just wanted a home where I could be in one place for 18 years and then move and see the world!

Third Course: Fantascisms:

I love fantasy. Fantasy teaches us how to approach and solve real problems. We observe how different characters respond to adversity, learn from them and apply what we learned from the problems we face. Fantasy teaches us to be creative and think outside the box. We engage with the characters and the stories. Unicorns, griffins, mermaids, gargoyles, flying monkeys and we have to have good fantasy characters as well as bad.The key element of fantasy is magic! Fantasy can be romantic, historical, action packed like fairy tales, myths and legends are part of the fantasy genre.

I don't like the real world and that's why I write so forget the real world. Isn't life more fun in a fantasy world and we can give our characters a happy ending if we write the story? Works for me!

Okay, Mock Turtle, this is my version of school that I didn't learn in school. My reality. My fantasy. This makes me tick!
643 Words
Mad Hatter, Tea Set and Alice Image

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