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#1043148 added January 15, 2023 at 12:02am
Restrictions: None
Revisited: "Meat the Press"
With over 2200 entries here, it's difficult not to duplicate entry titles. Oh, sure, I could do it, but that would involve taking the time to use the search function and possibly slogging through entries with the words in the body in order to see if I've used the title before. And that's work, which, as you know, I'm allergic to.

But it turns out that the title of today's archive post was one I used twice (and now, three times, sort of). in my defense, it's a great pun: "Meat the PressOpen in new Window..

This one's from not all that long ago—while I exclude anything in the last 12 months from these revisits, this was 15 months ago. I just pick them at random. As noted in that entry, I was participating in "Journalistic IntentionsOpen in new Window. [18+], so I'll take the opportunity to plug that contest now. I think the next round will get going next month, and it can be fun to see where the prompts take you. In the case of my linked entry, the JI prompts were all about food; Elisa, Stik of Clubs Author Icon runs a different theme each time.

As for the entry itself, though, there's not a whole lot I need to add to it.

It's a good thing I'm tackling this now. Today and going into tomorrow, I'll need to be on a liquid diet. And not my usual liquid diet, either. So I expect to be mind-destroyingly hungry, which is never how I want to be when I'm reading or writing about food.

That intro might be confusing taken out of chronological context, so I'll explain: being the age I am, I occasionally get to have a camera shoved up my ass. As a former photographer, I'm used to people wanting to shove a camera up my ass; fortunately, in this case, it wasn't my camera, and I'd be unconscious for it. Point being, apparently, the procedure was scheduled for shortly after that entry, and I was about to start the necessary preparations for the procedure, which involve taking copious laxatives and not eating anything (or drinking beer).

For the record, not that anyone cares, but it turned out that I didn't get all that hungry during the prep, and I got a clean bill of health afterward. You'd never know it, though, the way I overuse semi-colons. (I see an opportunity for a pun and I take it.) I don't remember if I ever followed up to mention that, so I'm doing it now.

Still, it would have been annoying to write about food during a period of fasting.

And that's about all I have to elaborate upon, so read (or re-read) the entry if you want. Unfortunately, the video the prompt is based on is no longer available. It's not required viewing, though. As I recall, it was moderately interesting, although, naturally, not nearly as fascinating as my writing.

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