callmetj's InkSpot
Alotta Monkey Business
#1043657 added January 25, 2023 at 12:57pm
Restrictions: None
Conspiracy Revealed! (WC 216 Rated E)
What do you think of using blog prompts to get entries for creating a psychological profile of the blogger?

I see now where this is going. I admit I did fall for your ploy for a while, but I knew, just had a gut feeling, there was some kind of conspiracy taking place. Now, you have shown your hand and I shall not fall for your trickery!

What do I think of using blog prompts for psychological profiling? I think it's underhanded and sneaky, even for Andre! It's no wonder I was bunkoed into writing more than three entries; more entries, more evidence to prove I'm deranged. (I wonder, is the opposite of open range deranged?)

Yes, sir, all this time posting prompts in categories for us to write from was nothing more than profiling us to see if we would be allowed in the Banana Bar, or banned from returning. I'm surprised there weren't any prompts about writing on bathroom walls. Yes, I saw someone scratched, "Andre's mom is a baboon", but it wasn't me.

Anyway, if you think this is going to work on me, you have another think coming. Let me know when you want to take your other think...

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"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free." T.J.

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About The Author
My writing doesn't follow any set genre, it's interdependent of my mood and all that's taking place in life. I'm still finding myself, what I write constitutes the markers along the path of that journey. With time, many things will manifest in my work and perhaps I will pursue one or two genres. For now, it's not, "What type of writing is my passion?" "Writing is my passion."