callmetj's InkSpot
Alotta Monkey Business
#1048784 added April 25, 2023 at 7:08pm
Restrictions: None
Dumfungled (WC 436, R-E)
P6. Interesting discovery in your closet or cupboard (go look and find something)

I did have an interesting discovery when we went through our closet. Being so short on room, our closet doubled as a storage area for anything and everything. I had installed another shelf over the clothes rod and then put a shelving unit in as well to hold everything. As you can imagine, it was stuffed full with limited room left to hang clothes.

After we gained access to the front apartment and had a whole house, we had plenty of room for everything and began unloading our closet. I knew what was packed in there, and I knew what a pain in the @ss it was to try and find anything. What I'm saying is, there wasn't anything surprising packed in the closet by us. But as we began moving things out, I discovered that someone or something had also been using our closet to store items it had pilfered from various family members.

There were some storage tubs back in the corner, and when we pulled them out, there in the small area between them and the wall were multiple items along with some dog food, a dried-up apple, and a small bag of Planter's Peanuts. There was one of my socks, a winter glove, a handkerchief, my old watch, a couple of earrings, one black canvas tennis shoe that belonged to no one in our household, one of my cigars that was still in the little glass tube, and one of Hanna's favorite toys.

Now, we did have a few mice that got in someplace, but we always keep a trap set and catch them before they have a chance to ever get established. Besides, I don't think a little mouse would be dragging a shoe (which we wonder where it came from) around the house and I doubt it would get onto my dresser where my old watch was buried under other items. Besides, when we first discovered we had mice getting in, we went around and sealed the foundation of any access, as well as looked and patched any holes or openings that would grant them entry into the house.

What creature resides here with us? Is it of this world? Why have we never spotted it or any other signs of it? Did it get in through an opening, pull its shenanigans and then exit before we sealed its portal? I cannot answer any of these; all I know is we are completely dumfungled.

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About The Author
My writing doesn't follow any set genre, it's interdependent of my mood and all that's taking place in life. I'm still finding myself, what I write constitutes the markers along the path of that journey. With time, many things will manifest in my work and perhaps I will pursue one or two genres. For now, it's not, "What type of writing is my passion?" "Writing is my passion."