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Alotta Monkey Business
#1049370 added May 8, 2023 at 3:46pm
Restrictions: None
Basement Entry (WC 382, R-E)
We all know about the guy in the basement, right? But, has anyone actually seen him? Today the challenge is to look around the archives and nooks and crannies of the bar - Look in the basement if you dare - learn what you can and then share what you find out. You could write about an encounter you've had with him, or maybe, tell us what you think it is he does down there.

See Not Below


I guess we all know there's a guy down there, I mean it states it on the roster, The Basement Guy, and of course it states he's the Event Coordinator. Other than that, I know he writes a damn fine Newsletter and helps Andre with blogging challenges. But, I admit, I do not really know the guy; he's always in the basement, or at least anytime I visit the bar he's down there.

As for what he does down there, he coordinates events, duh! I think he also has a stash of Oreos down there and probably a lot of milk. I also know he does come out of the basement because he does a lot around the site and has an interesting Portfolio; sometime when I have time, unlike this time when I have no time, I shall have to revisit his Port and read some items more in-depth.

There's another person around the bar who actually provided us with the whimsical wonderful Andre, Brother Nature. Now this guy, I also do not really know. I mean, I do through the Banana Bar and all the fun that goes on there. I should know him, we are practically neighbors, he in Manitoba, and myself in Minnesota. We share some things in common, like some of the stuff that's common to both of us.

"What? Do you need an example? Okay, in his bio he says he has a hard time filling these out. Well, so do I."

I also think he's a spy or something, kind of like the Canadian version of the CIA (Canadian Intelligence Agency?) Anyway, he was around, and then "POOF" he was gone. He hasn't said anything, because if he did, he'd likely have to send Andre after me to hush me up, but I believe he was on a covert secret mission. Hey, that's all I can disclose, I don't want Andre showing up alongside my bed one night to hush me up.

Anyway, this is my first entry and it's supposed to be about the basement guy, but somehow I managed to get into the attic, too.

Side note:*Right*

I did
the intro
word count
from the

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About The Author
My writing doesn't follow any set genre, it's interdependent of my mood and all that's taking place in life. I'm still finding myself, what I write constitutes the markers along the path of that journey. With time, many things will manifest in my work and perhaps I will pursue one or two genres. For now, it's not, "What type of writing is my passion?" "Writing is my passion."