callmetj's InkSpot
Perpetual Ruminations
#1062080 added January 8, 2024 at 5:11pm
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You Didn't Ask?
"So, you asked what's going on here recently? You didn't ask? Oh, sorry. My bad. But, since you're here and I'm here, I may as well tell you."

There's still some uncertainty as to whether my wife has a job or not. She has been out of work since the start of November when the company asked for volunteers for a lay-off until Jan. 2. She called in and told them she had an appointment on the 2nd and wouldn't be able to return until the third, but then heard through a friend at work that they had extended the lay-off until Feb.

She talked to one of the supervisors who confirmed that her name was on the list of people off until Feb. but didn't understand why she was supposed to return on Jan. 2 and said he would look into it.

Meanwhile, since it's been tight with her out of work, she applied for a different job and is now starting classes for it. She has online classes for two weeks, starting to day, then goes in and takes a test, then two more weeks of online study, another test, and then she goes in for clinicals for a week, takes the state test, and starts her new job. So, if she's suppose to return to work, she won't be able to, but if she's still on lay-off, we have some unemployment for the month. It's been tight with her unemployment, but if that runs out, it's going to get even tighter.

Oh, and last week, the brakes went out on the car. I took it in last Wednesday and picked it up today. It was leaking fluid pretty fast, so there wasn't a lot of braking power, but I managed driving it in to  the garage, having to pump the brakes to stop. The brake line had rusted out, so the mechanic replaced it, fixed a slow leaking front tire, and checked it over for us. It wasn't as expensive as I had thought it would be, but when money is short, everything is expensive.

But, once my wife starts her new job she'll get better pay, better benefits, and more vacation time. She's done this type of work before and enjoys it, and we do have a bit tucked away in savings to carry us through. So,, it may be a bit of a rough start for the new year, but it's looking better.

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About The Author
My writing doesn't follow any set genre, it's interdependent of my mood and all that's taking place in life. I'm still finding myself, what I write constitutes the markers along the path of that journey. With time, many things will manifest in my work and perhaps I will pursue one or two genres. For now, it's not, "What type of writing is my passion?" "Writing is my passion."