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Gervic in Wonderland #1065918 added March 9, 2024 at 8:17am Restrictions: None
[A-2] Looking Glass House :: Mirror Writing
A. Looking Glass House
Mirror Writing
Using this program - Mirror Writing or Mirror Writing 2 - write a poem about arriving in the Looking Glass World and what you experience there on your first day. (<40 lines)
.γɈilidiƨƨoq ʇo bnɒl ƨiʜɈ nI
,ɘɘɿʇ Ɉiɿiqƨ γm ,ϱnυoγ ƨwoɿϱ Ɉɿɒɘʜ γM
.ɘƨɒʜɔ Ɉ'nob ƨɘlυɿ bnɒ ƨɈƨɿυd ɿɘɈʜϱυɒl ɘɿɘʜW
,ɘɔɒlq ƨυoiɿυɔ ɒ ,blɿow ƨƨɒlӘ ϱniʞoo⅃ ɘʜT
.ƨmɒɘɿb bɘɿɘɈɈɘʇnυ ʇo ɔiϱɒm ɘʜT
,ƨmɒɘlϱ ϱniʜɈɘmoƨ ,ƨoɒʜɔ ɘʜɈ ʜϱυoɿʜɈ ɈɘY
.Ɉʜϱilɘb ɘloƨ ɿɘʜ "!ƨbɒɘʜ ɿiɘʜɈ ʜɈiw ʇʇO"
,Ɉʜϱim ɘmoƨɿɒɘʇ ʜɈiw ƨɈυoʜƨ nɘɘυϘ bɘЯ ɘʜT
.ƨbnɘiɿʇ bnυoʇwɘn ɿoʇ ƨɘmγʜɿ bnɒ ƨɘlbbiɿ ʜɈiW
,ƨbnɘ ɿɘvɘn γɈɿɒq ɒɘɈ ƨ'ɿɘɈɈɒH bɒM ɘʜT
.ɘliʜw ɒ ni ƨɘʜƨinɒv bnɒ ƨɿɒɘqqA
,ɘlimƨ ϱnibɒʇ ɒ ,ɈɒƆ ɘɿiʜƨɘʜƆ ɘʜT
.ɘɘlidυį lɒɔiƨnɘƨnon ,ϱnimγʜɿ A
,ɘɘbɘlbɘɘwT bnɒ mυbɘlbɘɘwT
.bnυoʇ ɘɿɒ ƨɘlυɿ on ,ƨnɿυɈ bnɒ ƨqɒɘl ʜɈiW
,bnυoɿϱ ɘʜɈ ƨƨoɿɔɒ zɈlɒw ƨɘɔɘiq ƨƨɘʜƆ
.γɒboɈ ƨɘmoɔɘd γɒbɿɘɈƨɘγ bnA
,γɒwɒ ɘmiɈ ƨʞɔiɈ ʞɔolɔ ƨbɿɒwʞɔɒd A
.wold ƨɘzɘɘɿd ɘʜɈ ɈɒʜɈ ƨɈɘɿɔɘƧ
,wol bnɒ Ɉʇoƨ ,ɿɘqƨiʜw ƨɿɘwolᆿ
.wonʞ oɈ blɿow γvɿυɈ-γƨqoɈ A
,wolɘd γʞƨ ɘʜɈ ,ϱniliɘɔ ɘʜɈ ƨ'ɿoolʇ ɘʜT
.mɒɘɿb ϱniʞɒw ɒ oɈni qɘɈƨ I
,mɒɘlϱ ɿɘvliƨ ƨ'ɿoɿɿim ɘʜɈ ʜϱυoɿʜT
ƨƨɒlӘ ϱniʞoo⅃ ɘʜɈ ʜϱυoɿʜT
Through the Looking Glass
Through the mirror's silver gleam,
I step into a waking dream.
The floor's the ceiling, the sky below,
A topsy-turvy world to know.
Flowers whisper, soft and low,
Secrets that the breezes blow.
A backwards clock ticks time away,
And yesterday becomes today.
Chess pieces waltz across the ground,
With leaps and turns, no rules are found.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee,
A rhyming, nonsensical jubilee.
The Cheshire Cat, a fading smile,
Appears and vanishes in a while.
The Mad Hatter's tea party never ends,
With riddles and rhymes for newfound friends.
The Red Queen shouts with fearsome might,
"Off with their heads!" her sole delight.
Yet through the chaos, something gleams,
The magic of unfettered dreams.
The Looking Glass world, a curious place,
Where laughter bursts and rules don't chase.
My heart grows young, my spirit free,
In this land of possibility.
24 Lines
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