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#488957 added February 18, 2007 at 9:01pm
Restrictions: None
Culture Shock
So Kirstin took me out for my birthday dinner tonight. Per my request, we went to a Japanese restaurant we haven't been to before.

She talked about what she did yesterday, which was attend an SCA event in Maryland. For those who have been living under rocks, SCA means "Society for Creative Anachronisms," but no one calls it that.

It always struck me as - well, not silly, exactly, but on the far side of playing role playing games and online video games. The idea, from what I've been able to glean from friends of mine who do SCA stuff, is you pick a period of history and relive it - dress, weaponry, food, decorations, etc.

The problem for me is that every time I think of a period of history, while I can certainly see some good things about it, it's invariably far worse than what we have now. No computers, no cars, no health care, and an appalling lack of human rights. It's good to know history, but why relive it?

Only thing I can figure is that in America we have no rituals, no customs, no culture that is coherent and meaningful. I mean, we have cars (yes, I can put cars in "good" and "bad" columns) and entertainment, but not the deep, profound traditions of older countries. People need these rituals, and so they bring them from some bygone era that otherwise has... let's see... nothing to recommend it.

And then I chuckled, as I realized that of all the places I could have gone for my birthday, I pick the one that emulates the cuisine of an alien culture.

Oh, and my birthday present? The first two Black Adder series. You know, with Rowan Atkinson. From Britain.

Well, there's one American thing I can claim...

Your love is here and now
The vicious circle turns and burns without
Though I cannot live forgive me now
The time has come to take this moment and
They can't hurt you now
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us...

-Bruce Springsteen
Because the Night

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