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Each Day Already is a Challenge
#491153 added March 1, 2007 at 12:59am
Restrictions: None
Wednesday's child is full of woe...
Okay, so the quote from the nursery rhyme has absolutely nothing to do with today, except that it's Wednesday. I just wanted a different title today and that's what came to mind. *Bigsmile* someone with too much time on her hands (sometimes) I Googled that line so I could read the whole poem and decided I don't like it. The first site I clicked, though, to get the whole rhyme has a doo-daddy at the bottom where you can enter your birthdate or any other date and find out way day of the week it was.

I know what day of the week it was when I was born. It was Sunday, Easter Sunday actually. The way the date of Easter changes, I've only had Easter on my birthday a few times since.


Angela's Niece needs Praye Author IconMail Icon and her family still need our prayers. I called her niece yesterday afternoon and found out that Angela was off the respirator. But her blood pressure and pulse are not good.

When I read the Contest/Activities newsletter today, there was a link to this:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1222876 by Not Available.

What a fun quiz. It showcases the quotes from WDC members, from their bios and from stories/poems they have written. What a great idea! I recommend that you take the quiz, then when you review you can send a quote and link to something in your port to be added to the quiz.

Speaking of fun quizzes...I hope you've taken Budroe Author IconMail Icon's quiz.
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1215570 by Not Available.
Talk about a challenge!

Since I'm promoting items, maybe I should mention something of my own. I added this one yesterday. It's another miracle story. I wonder why the miracles I have experienced have all been about cars and driving. Hmmm.
 On the Road Again Open in new Window. (E)
Joe had witnessed a miracle designed by God, and that lead him back into the family.
#1224649 by Kenzie Author IconMail Icon

I had two items featured in newsletters this week. In the For Authors: "I Never Said That!Open in new Window.. And in the Romance/Love newsletter, an old, old poem. (No, it is not about hubby.)

Speaking of hubby...Yes, we did eat at Sonic last night and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. We brought back something for Derek too. He was thrilled that we found a Sonic. Even though he's a vegetarian, there are some things on the menu that he can eat. We learned that the trip was 26 miles, but 19 of those miles are on the freeway and it was really easy to find. I'm guessing we'll have to take Tiff there one weekend. I doubt she's ever had Sonic burgers either.

I did a bit of portfolio housekeeping today. My "What's New?Open in new Window. really does have just what's new in it again. *Laugh* It holds everything since December, except for that one miracle story that tied for 2nd place. That's in the "Awards and RecognitionOpen in new Window. folder.

The weather folks say that we're going to have some warmer weather in the next few days - in the 40's and 50's. I really hope so. I'm so tired of being cold all the time. Our house is sooooooooo cold. I don't think it has much insulation. And the kitchen window is a huge bay window. The way it was designed, it's almost impossible to put any curtains on it. So, even though it has newer double windows, in the winter the cold just pours in. And since my computer sits beside the window, I freeze! (It can't be good for the heat bill either.)

That bay window is rather useless. The cats have claimed it as their own and that's where they get their food and water. And where they watch the birds flying around as they get ready for their first spring concert.

Oh well. Without the bay window, the cats would probably be knocking the cereal off the top of the refrigerator. Or the baskets on top of bookcases.


Yippee skippeeee. I have made blog entries every day this month. That probably won't happen again. I targeted February as the month I would make an entry every day....'cause it's the shortest month. *Laugh*

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