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Each Day Already is a Challenge
#514581 added June 12, 2007 at 8:41am
Restrictions: None
My baby sister had a birthday on June 6 and I still haven't talked with her. That's odd. I have left a few messages, but haven't had a return call. I wonder if she and her family went away for a few days. Normally she would check in first, especially since mom's assisted living center is near her. Hmmm. My baby sister turned 42 this year. She doesn't look it. *Smile*

The young couple who used to live next door (and whose father/father-in-law still does) learned that their 18 month old son probably has autism. If so, it's certainly a high functioning autism, perhaps Asperger's.

He's a pretty bright kid. Talks quite well for 18 months. When he saw our cat in the window, he distinctly said, "Cat." He also got out of the backyard this weekend and found his way to the neighbor's yard on the other side of us. They had a party the night before and there was one beer can and one beer bottle in the yard. Aiden discovered the can and his mom found him drinking from it. The next day when he and his mom were walking down the sidewalk, that's where he headed. He was looking for more beer cans. Not many kids that age like the taste of beer, but it appears that he does. (You see what I mean by high functioning?)

I printed out some info from the internet for them to have so they can be more informed when they ask for a second opinion. I wonder why there seems to be more of this than ever before. Or are we just recognizing it more?

I did mention that my son's old girlfriend - Allison (who used to live with us) is going to Spain in September, right? She has gotten a job as an au pair and will spend a year with the family. How cool is that? She probably would never get the opportunity to travel to Spain otherwise. She'll be with a family with school age girls, so her days will be free. I told her that in addition to learning their language, she should be learning German too while the kids are in school. That way, when she's done with her year in Spain, she could go to Germany for a year. Then she could study French and go to France for a year. Spain doesn't insist that you know the language before coming, but that you learn while you're there. Other countries insist on some language recognition before going. *Smile*

She's still in love with my son, though, and hopes that after her year in Spain the two of them can be back together. I told her to get tanned and toned (that should happen since they use bikes more than cars) so that she's irresistable.

A friend of mine in Texas sends his poems and pictures of sunrises on the beach (in Surfside/Freeport, TX) quite frequently. He has lupus, so sometimes after he lets his dogs romp on the beach, he has to head on home to bed. People just don't understand...

Anyway, a few days ago, he shared this vision he had. And he said I could share it with y'all.

The secret for all with eyes to see

Righteousness is my badge, heaven my goal. I strain as I build this great road to a glorious victory. Each plank lain maliciously in place with all my strength. I on occasion have to trample lesser people that are in my way. My goal – righteousness - makes it just. I know that I am impressive Lord, but my heart grows hollowed with each triumph. In the distance, I can see the treasure I seek; seems to grow more distant with each plank that I lay. With face taunt under the stress of ruthlessness, eyes bulged out from my head, throat parched from the bitter water I drink, and my body worn thin from the load I carry. I look for a little resting place.

There to the side I see a narrow little path. I think that it may lead to a place for a short rest. I wander down it for a short distance. Seeing a beautiful flower, I stop to admire. The petals seem to say kindness. I reach to pick the flower and have to lay down my hammer of greed to have room for the flower. I walk on the sweet sent of the flower in my nose. Another flower as beautiful as the first with petals that seem to say patience, I reach to pick this flower and have to lay down my nail of anger to have room.

I look farther on the thin little path and see many flowers just as beautiful. I walk on the path picking the flowers and with each; I have to lay down something to make room. As my load changes from the things I needed to build my road to the beauty I find on this thin path my body seems to become refreshed. Gone are the tools of my destruction replace by the gifts found on this narrow little path.

The air so fresh and sweet like a soft golden mist fills my chest. The load so heavy has become light as if to carry me. Then by my side, I see Your Son come to lead the way. My body full of Your strength, my lungs full of your breath, your words of love in my ears, Your glory in my eyes, my treasure found.

William Taylor
June 9, 2007

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