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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#570576 added February 28, 2008 at 5:34pm
Restrictions: None
Warships sent to Lebanon
This does not make me happy. As of two hours ago, the United States rushed the USS Cole to Lebanon. Hubby's neice was on line, but clueless, so I filled her in. This tiny little country just can't seem to climb out of the past. And it's so unfortunate. I got to see Lebanon fight to regain it's beauty after decades of war destroyed over 50% of their infrastructure.

I have my own home that I haven't seen in almost two years. I thought for sure that since I didn't go back last summer, that we would get our family vacation this year, and see hubby's family. Not one of them has been able to get a visa to visit us, so being that far apart is rough on all of us. The boys were miserable here last summer, and I can't imagine how it will be for them if we are here for another summer vacation.

Here is my American perspective into a country I proudly call my second home.

Family: This word has a whole new meaning over there. I can not go a day without seeing everyone, or at the lvery east, speaking to each of them on the phone. Even when they are fighting with one another, they do it together. Everyone gathered in one house and they shout it out. Sometimes the problems last a few days, but for the most part, things get resolved quickly. And then, the laughter that fills the night and pours into the busy streets.

Hubby's family would do anything for the boys and I, and I mean anything. They don't say it, or ask. If they know I need something, they step in and make it happen. I've even had them fighting over who would be the one to help, because they all wanted to do it.

HEART:One time, my Ahmay (father-in-law) went out and bought a bunch of fruit, knowing my love of strawberries and generic (it's like tiny green apples). That night, the enitre family was at my home, and the fruit was gobbled up, leaving Theresa with no generic and no strawberries. The next day, he asked how I liked what he'd brought me. I told him that I'd barely had any, and he turned before I could say another word and went out the door. In ten minutes he was back. He gave me two bags. Each contained strawberries and generic. He told me to keep one hidden just for myself. I love that man. And it's not just me he does this for, it's for all of us. All he wants is our happiness.

Hubby and I were fighting. Whose side did Ahmay take? Mine. Why? He plainly said that I had no family over there, and it didn't matter if I was right or wrong, someone needed to stand by my side, so he stepped up. Not on one issue, but every issue.

The boys, along with their cousins, get money every single day from him. This is a man who has a wife to support, and bills to pay for the house, and makes a salary of $200 a month. Can you imagine supporting yourself on that kind of money? It's next to impossible.

BOTTOM LINE: For me - I guess, it's that they took in this American girl, who didn't have long blonde hair, didn't speak Arabic, or French, was a picky eater, drank Pepsi for breakfast, and didn't tie her LA Gear tennis shoes with three sets of laces- and loved me for who I was. They ask for my opinon, and are shocked and elated when I call it like I see it. "Theresa do you like this shirt?" I shake my head and tell them no, don't waste your money. Everyone else, they lie to make you feel good. Not I. Because of this I stand out, and I'm proud to stand out. They get honesty from me, brutally at times, but I know no other way to be. And still, they accept and love me.

My wish is that future generations will be shocked to learn that political opinons could get you killed. They will have learned to settle their differences through words and not car bombs. Being Unique is truly wonderful, and not something to shy away from. If God, or Allah didn't want people to be different, then we'd all look, talk, and act exactly the same. But HE wanted us to shine, to use the brain HE gave us, for peace. Not for violence.

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