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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#570785 added February 29, 2008 at 7:06pm
Restrictions: None
Friday is here!!
Thank God it's Friday. I love that saying, especially when it's dead on, as it is today. It's been a pretty good day all things considered. Since it seems people are really interested in Lebanon, and what I have to say about it, I've decided to write things about it everday in my blog. *Smile*

First off--The internet is up and running in Z's room, and it couldn't have come at a better times since NoWriMo starts tomorrow. We installed the memory, adobe flash, pc tools, and windows xp. YES-yes-yes! Z was a bit miffed when he couldn't play the hilarious you tube videos he wanted, but after installing adobe flasher player, it wasn't a problem. I made him tell me just how awesome I was, that I rock, and that I was the best mom. *Laugh* Nothing like making them make me feel good.

So we got home from work and school, and had to clear away the four inches of white crap (It's nice in December and January, but after 50" this season, it's crap) and the most amazing thing happened. Z-without any prompting on my part-asked the neighbor across the street if he needed help. Neighbor declined at first, but Z was persistant, and went across the street to help out. When our house was finished, I headed inside. Ten minutes later Z came in, and was proud to show off $10 that he earned for doing an act of kindness. I am proud of him. He told me that he even declined the cash, but the neighbor was insistant. I am raising a good young man that I am really proud of. *Wink*

On to the Lebanon front. Today we will discuss my mother-in-law. My hamaytay (ha-may-tay). Things weren't always so rosy between us, but she grew on me and I on her-thanks to the men in our lives. The first few years I was living in Lebanon, we took over her small home. One bedroom, bathroom, small kitchen and living room. That is the house. So my in-laws gave up their home and stayed with the their oldest son. I kid you not, we would be sleeping, 8 am, nothing to get up for, and you could hear her coming from a mile away. Why? Because she has to say good morning to everyone she passes on the street, or whom ever is out on their balconies. We'd be lying in bed, and I'd say, "Your Mom's on her way." and hubby would say, "uh huh". Then she'd get to the house--her house--the house that I have trashed. Now this woman is a clean freak. When she'd come in and see empty glasses and bowls that contained nuts, or any wrappers lying on the table in the living room, she'd be grumbling about what slobs we were.

I had every intention of cleaning up after ourselves, but not at 3 am. We were night owls back then, and going to be before three in the morning was a miracle. She'd then proceed to noisyily clean up the mess, and then tell hubby that I needed to take better care of things.

Here's an example of extreme cleaning. Everyone gathered around, chatting and having a good time. You put your cigarette out, set down a kleenex and the glass you are STILL drinking from. She immediately is on her feet, taking all items to the kitchen to clean them. Ok, the entire family smokes. Washing an ashtray for one cigarette is appaling. I can't even count how many times I set my pepsi can or glass down, went to the bathroom and came back to find it had up and walked away. She can not leave anythying sitting out anywhere. It's as if it's a damn crime.

I have hordes of these lovely little tales that I will be sharing in the future. So check back often, you might miss something.

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