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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#570972 added March 1, 2008 at 8:33pm
Restrictions: None
Good writing.
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And it started off good. *Smile* I can not complain because the prologue is coming along nicely. I am at 1535 words right now, and ready to crank out a few more pages today. I figure since the muse is speaking, I'd better listen. *Laugh*

My boys finally got haircuts. OMG did they ever need it. Especially D, who of course tried to talk his way out of it. Instead of yelling, (which I have a tendency to do when the boy doesn't cooperate), I headed outside to shovel away the snow that came during the night. As if we didn't get enough yesterday. On a good note, it will be 45 degrees tomorrow. Once I came back in, I used a little guilt trip on Z, who went and used it on D, and we headed off for some hot spikey do's.

LEBANON: Hubby is the youngest of five. Three boys and two girls. I guess I shall start with the oldest of the clan. That would be Mahadine (Mah ha deen). He worked in Saudi Arabia for at least a decade, probably more like 20 years. He is married with three boys. His wife Ahleah--just like the song--speaks English, so that was a bonus for me. About 4 years ago, hubby and I couldn't go to Lebanon for vacation, but the boys wanted to go. So we sent them with friends, and I cried for about a month-four months before they ever left-had to getit out of my system. *Laugh* Hubby went for two weeks and brought them home. Z and D told me how great Ahleah was to them. They had their own room, and she made them their favorite foods, and they drove them crazy for 8 weeks. During the war of 2006. The boys were sleeping at their house, and I was across the street at their Aunts. The bombing was really intense, and as I watched the rockets flying across the sky and taking out the fuel at the airport, I saw my babies on the balcony. I asked them if they wanted me to stay with them, they said no. By 1 am, Zak had gone into shock, which I hadn't realize that's what it was because for the past three years, he'd been battling some unknown stomach disorder.

Mahadine met me at the gate to Joumana's building. I threaded my arm through his as we crossed the street to his building, and a bomb exploded, shaking the ground and buckling my knees. I held on to him for dear life. He told me not to be afraid, the bombs weren't near us. Ya think? Anyway, I get there is Zak is shaking uncontrollably. He is clammy, and freezing. Now it's at least 85 degrees outside, and humid as hell, and this kid is freezing. Z wanted his father so much, that he was calling Mahadine Dad. My heart was breaking watching him in such distress, but Ahleah and Mahadine were great. Together we wrapped him in blankets and I laid down next to him as we all tried to rub his body and put him to sleep. It was such a long night, and I was really glad that they were there for us.

Heading back to NoWriMo. Updates tomorrow.

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