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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#572537 added March 9, 2008 at 9:26am
Restrictions: None
Catch up
ah yes, that is what I am playing in NoWriMo. My novel writing month is filled with ups and downs, just like life, right? Spending the day, and most of the night on the pc yesterday, I was able to come close to the 8th total of 12,904. I hit 12,364 at 10:30, but was too exhausted to continue. In one day I managed to crank out 2336 words. To break even and hit my goal I need to write 2153 words today. YIKES! On a Sunday? Most likely impossible. Looking forward to being alone in the house for the day Wednesday so I can sit at the pc and write, write, write!

I hit the gym everyday for the week of the 7th, so that was a plus. My thighs are killing me, thanks to the treading water, and practicing some of my favorite synchro moves. Trying to stay in a layout at the surface takes a lot of strength from your core so I've decided to spend my time in the pool. I don't understand how people say you can't lose weight swimming. Huh? I get more winded in the swimming pool, then walking, and using the treadmill. And my goal in the pool is to swim from one end to the other, without a breath. Tuesday I was so damn close. Missed the edge by about four feet. I knew I should have pushed myself, but I thought it will come.

Promised Lebanon Entry:
Let's talk about vegetables. I believe it was the second visit to Lebanon. Rabih (Ra bee yah) was only with me for a week before he took off to France or maybe Egypt for a month for intense football (soccer) training. I guess I should mention that he played professionally. Yes I married a football star, that can't take me shopping because everyone on the streets wants to yak with him. *Rolleyes* Back to the vegetables.

So my sister-in-law Hela (Hell lah), who speaks english, and I have decided that while the hubby is away, I am going to learn as much arabic as possible. Everyday she'd come over and drill me on foods, furniture, small everyday sayings. It was going so well. I could tell you everything that sat in that kitchen and refrigerator. Then Hela comes over, and asks me for "Ve git a bells" Huh? I stood wracking my brain. Is this a test of my arabic knowledge? Shit, I don't remember that word. So she looks at me like I have totally lost my mind and says, "Listen, I am speaking English with you." So now I know I am in real trouble because Theresa admits to not paying attention in English class. So the brain wracking begins again. But in the vast vault of my English language, there is no such word. I try to come up with something close, but it doesn't happen. I'm shaking my head and laughing, she's getting pissed because I don't understand her English. Finally she says, "You know, Theresa, Banadourah, Khass, Flayflay--translation-Tomato, Lettuce-green pepper. So what do I do? I of course fall to my knees and start laughing hysterically. She laughing, along with whacking me for laughing at her. But I swear I wasn't laughing at her, I was laughing about the damn word. I explain that it's pronounced Vege table, and she in turn swears it's how her English teacher taught her. Well most English teachers in Lebanon come from England, or went to school there. Communication solved!


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