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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#573059 added March 11, 2008 at 8:06pm
Restrictions: None
Sickness and sickness
The writing is slow going. And this sinus infection is really kicking my butt. And according that awesomely bad doctor of mine, once I hit 40 on Friday, I will wake up everyday with a new issue. *Rolleyes* I'm glad I went to see her yesterday in my sickened state, otherwise, I would have woken up Friday, and wondered what that new pain in my arse was!

NoWriMo Passage: I thought I'd start throwing a few paragraphs of the novel I am writing out there so you can all catch of glimpse of what I'm working on. I'll try not to post anything too graphic, since I know the parents check in to find out what the latest is. Sorry, Dad, it just freaks theresa out knowing that you could be reading some erotica. *Laugh*

Cass didn’t like being at a disadvantage, so she stood to face him, make sure he knew that she wasn’t going to sit back and wait for some psychopath intent to kill her walking back through her door. “Just because you have a badge, Detective, doesn’t give you the right to come into my home and control my life.”

Duncan stepped forward, his brown eyes blazing as he glared down at her. Cassidy swallowed, knowing she’d pushed a button. He grabbed her upper arms forcefully, his strong fingers almost bruising as they dug into her flesh. “Need I remind you that there’s a murderer on the loose? That you came close to being his next victim tonight?”

Not backing down, Cassidy twisted trying to break the hold he had on her. Duncan only gripped her arms tighter, pulling her even closer. Being only inches from this man, Cassidy felt her resolve begin to slip away. Why?

Lebanon:One time while in Libnan (that's what the older folks call it) I was sick. Hubby was in France I believe and Z was just 2 years old. I was sick as a dog, had been for a few days and wasn't getting better. I finally agreed to let Hamaytay take me to the doctor. So she and Ahmad, the middle brother, take me to the doctor, along with his wife Hela (cause theresa needs a translator). Mind you, I am not wearing a bra, haven't showered in two days, can't keep anything in my body food or drink wise. The kind old doc can't listen to my heart with my shirt covering me, so he slips it front of everyone!! Mortified, yes, I can still remember turning my head away in embarrassment knowing my brother-in-law got a gander. Anyway, Hamaytay decides since I'm there, have the doctor tell me to lay off the Pepsi. Only she can't use words Theresa knows. So she throws out the word "Kazuzah", which I picked up on because 1-it was interesting, 2-it was new 3-it reminded me of an english word, which I often do in learning the arabic language. So about a month later, we are all sitting around laughing and talking, and someone says that word, Kazuzah. I innocently ask it's meaning, and am told it's soda, like Pepsi. The brain begins to whirl and I remember.........knowing why the doc asked how much Pepsi I drink in a day. I flew out of my chair and confronted my Hamaytay. It is one of the standing family jokes to this day!

Have to run, I need to come up with 1500 words today and it's already 8 pm.


This is my name
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