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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#577685 added April 5, 2008 at 10:49am
Restrictions: None
Twist of Fate controversy
I am seeing red. Therefore, the color choice of my blog today. I need to make clear that the poem I posted in my blog on 4/2/08, IS NOT WRITTEN FOR SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS ON THIS SITE.

I am flattered and thrilled that I have received so many 5 star ratings, but it is a work of fiction. I have taken conversations with MANY people, being alone in chat waiting for people to come back, past personal experience, and just an over active imagination to create this poem.

It amazes me how the reactions have been thus far. I wasn't refering to the loss of a child. In my writer's mind. This was a little piece about a woman who was in a relationship, yet sought another in a chat room. Her partner found out, she broke off the relationship off in chat, and her partner dumped her, leaving her alone. Plain and simple and to the point.

The beauty of the gift of writing, is that the writer can listen to everyday conversation, tv show dialog, and take their own emotions and thrust them into something that touches many. That's what I aspire to do. Now I can get off my soap box. *Laugh*

Evac continued{/b}

As time begins to get away from us, we are boarded on a bus that will take us from McGuire Air Force Base, into the Newark Airport where we can connect to where we need to go. You expect to get on a bus, and leave within a short amount of time, say 15 minutes. But no, why would that happen? An hour later, we finally begin moving. I am extremely paranoid, with good reason, that I will miss my flight. From Newark's airport I have to get to JFK in New York. It takes another hour to get to Newark's airport. Once inside, we are informed that if we take the shuttle, we will not make it in time. I have only $140 left, and hope that it will be enough. The four of us, grab a cab, and go for the ride of our lives. Ok, I've seen taxi drivers in NY on tv, but nothing can prepare me for the speed demon behind the wheel. I am in the middle of the back seat, Z and D on each side of me, while poor Edmund is up front with the driver. Manic doesn't cut it. I have one thigh in each had, holding onto my boys for dear life, praying that we will make it on time, and that we don't end up in a car crash. The statue of liberty went by so quickly I hardly remember seeing her. Besides the fact that Z can't help but repeat the time every two minutes. We made it to the airport with less than 5 minutes to check. Grateful to be alive and in one piece, I give the driver $80, he made a 15 dollar tip. We check in, and get to the gate as they are boarding. My heart was racing, knowing that I would be home in one hour. Just the thought brings tears to my eyes, as my heart remains in Lebanon, wondering how bad things got over the last four days since I started the evacuation.

to be continued...


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