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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#579046 added April 13, 2008 at 8:34pm
Restrictions: None
Oh Saturday
It's quite boring around here on Saturday. Not the fun day I had expected. That's ok though. I cleaned the house, got most of the laundry done and now I can play. And I certainly like to play.

So while I was with my favorite chatties in the Adult room where we can swear and bash our thrilling lives, we came up with a new word. So here is an education on a new word that I am sure will be sweeiping the Nation.

SMAUGHTY{/b} Doesn't it just have a unique appeal to it? We were throwing around naughty and smexy, so I thought, what the hell, that is so smaughty. *Laugh* Now I expect all of you to use it in a sentence, and make sure others hear it. It has the power to catch other people and make them want to use it too.

I took a break from Duncan's story. Chapter 9 has got me all messed up since I'm not sure where to go from here. There are a few forks in the road, and I really want to choose the right path so I can being to link things together and wrap it up. I jumped ship and went back into Megan's Man, one of my favorites.

Since the parents are reading my Erotica, I should have been smart and opened up a tamer romance for them to read. It's a bit too late now. I got an email from a someone who's read the first 6 chapters, and she is stunned that they are reading it, espeically since one chapter is a sex a scene. So again, my parents, you are warned.*Blush* But I will admit that my mother has read two of the first entries I've written for the Weekly Quickie, so she has an idea what she't getting herself into.

We talked to Layal, and her guy was there, but she sounds extremely happy. They are looking for a house, but I am dying to talk to her privately. I yelled at her for not being on line to yak with me on MSN so we can catch up. I miss our gooffy chats and just hearing everything that's happening in Lebanon. I am excited to go and see everyone this summer, to meet the new men in two of their lives, and to just have a chance to relax. The big difference between here and there---the stress factor. I could easily see myself living there, if only the political situation would settle down. I just don't see it happening any time soon, and wonder if it will even happen in my life time.

Speaking of Lebanon. The other day the boys and I went to Target, my favorite place to shop. As D was trying to get out of the car, an arabic girl in dark shades, with her cell phone plastered to her ear, driving a brand new Ecalade was irritated that it was taking him too long to get out of the car while she tried to park next to us. I turned to both of my boys, instantly irritated. "I sincerely hope that if you choose to marry a Lebanese girl, that you won't marry one that grew up here. Go back to Lebanon and find your wife." And you know what? They agreed. It's a shame that the arabic girls that live here are so spolied, think they are entitled, and that their shit doesn't stink. It's time for a wake up call ladies.


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