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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#582957 added May 2, 2008 at 7:59pm
Restrictions: None
One year ago today......
It's here! It's here! It's my WDC one year birthday. And it's been wonderful. Over the last year, I've grown so much as a writer, learned how to edit, write a love scene, poetry, flash fiction, took classes, and most importantly...I have meet some wonderful people I am honored to call friend. My email box has been non stop with wishes, and gifts of every varitey. I am touched by the show of affection from all of you here.

While at work, I even had an IM from someone I've never talked to before, wishing me a good day. Same with someone new signing my guestbook with a birthday greeting.

Finding WDC a year ago was one of the best things to ever happen to me. This is my second home, where I can really shine.

So on this special day, something I've really looked forward to all week long, I am going to single some of you out. It's my way of saying "thank you" for all that you've given me over the last year.

-lostdreams What can I say, Kim? You started out teaching the classes that I joined, and quickly became a huge part of my daily life. I'll never forget when I stumbled upon the IM link, and emailed you how I was obsessed with it. That was all it took to start off our usual good morning sessions. *Cool* When I was in a bind, just before ABNA, you stepped in and helped me work the kinks out of A Perfect Fit. I will never forget that, and I thank you.

Olivia K.Homecoming Well Liv. Finding each other in Romance House was really a blessing in disguise. We've had quite the ride, haven't we? We were able to be crictial with one another, and find strength when APF and Lizzie's weren't getting the ravs we'd hoped for. I like the fact that we can text on our cells, and then meet up here to vent. *Laugh*

Raine Another one of my favorite romancers. We endured the ABNA together. I was so happy when you made it to the second round. Glad that I was able to share that experinence with you. You've been wonderful, and I appreciate all your help with APF.

all_yoursWell, L. We became fast friends, and I appreciate the fact that you let me peek at your play. It's a good piece of work. Finish writing it, don't give up.

mmbabyfacTanya. How far we've come in such a short amount of time. I should probably thank L for introducing us. We instantly found a unique friendship, and I thank you for everything you've done for me over the last month. Hang in there. Even when things look bad, remember there is always sunshine. If you can't find it out your window, look no further than here. I'll always send good vibes your way.

YahsPoet My new found friend. Welcome to the insanity. *Laugh* You are a wonderful poet, don't ever forget it. That first Saturday in chat, playing name that tune, 80's style. Nothing better than rehashing the lovely high school days. Thanks for the encouragement and teaching in the poetry genre.

All of you have come to be a very important part of my life. Your friendships I will always cherish.

This is for all of you, my colorful special people! This is the tame video. LOL.

There are so many other wonderful people that I'd love to name, but then, this would turn into my next book. *Bigsmile* But here's a short list.

reed07 Patricia Oshier Stepp Molly Jean cnoto pledad pockets jennie marsland Haley Frances Pimsley kelly1202 loribeth IsA: SEEKING UPGRADE - Please! Lon opto sciwriter1

You've all been a great help to me throughout the last year. Write On!


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