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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#585393 added May 18, 2008 at 8:11pm
Restrictions: None
It's Friday Bitches!!!
What a roller coaster week. It has actually been so both mentally and physically for me. friggin sux!

The easy part, dealing with the alcoholic employee who can't show up to work. All this means is I get to play mechanic. No biggie. I've been here before. But...I don't like it. I'm so tired of working at the garage. Would rather be anywhere else but there. And, broaching the subject turns to chaos, so I've been leaving it alone, especially since said employee might not last the rest of the week. I won't leave him high and dry, when I pushed his ass to lease the place to begin with.

Depression is such an ugly and complicated emotion. Hence the roller coaster ride. I get depressed, we all do, but for some of us, its extremely intense and results in destructive behavior. I imagine I can be destructive, well, I know I can be, but hell I can rationalize it away like anything else in my life. I would much rather push it away, and look to something else that will make me smile or laugh. Sadness and depression don't have a tendency to last long in my life, cause it's too much work for me. *Laugh* And if you read my blog, you know Theresa hates work.

I have a few friends who are going through some rough times. It is heartbreaking to be on the side lines watching this. How much can I possibly do from a keyboard? And how much are they letting me do from so far away? Relationships are tricky when they are one-on-one, compounded by the internet, they become much more complicated.

So for my friends--the ones suffering as I write this--know that I LOVE YOU ALL! You do have a purpose on this earth. You will make it through the rough times. You will find the inner peace you are craving. And know that I am ALWAYS here for you. You want to vent, do it, I can listen. Cry, go ahead, I'll cry with you. In case you didn't know it, I am a sympathetic crier. Just ask my family. Scream? Shout? Woots, let's make a night of it. We can go into chat and whoop it up. *Bigsmile* Bitch sessions can be so enlightening. I swear they help lift the burdon off your shoulders. Trust in me. I will be that shoulder you need.

When you want a drink, think of me, or something that makes you happy. Write about it. When you think your life is over and you want a way out. Write about it, Pour your heart out, and remember that there is another way. When you are ready to make that life altering decision, and you need some strength to get you through, remember I am right there beside you. You can do it, you will be stronger for it. Text, IM, email, call me. I swear I won't let you down. And when you are so sad, that you believe you have to hide out, and cut yourself off from everyone to do things on your own, know that you are in my thoughts, my prayers, and I am waiting to know that you are all right.

For my friends. You all bring sunshine into my life. I would hate like hell to lose any of you. I depend on you. I need you. I love to share this crazy world with you. So, here's a song that I've put here before. You all obviously haven't listened to it damn it. *Laugh*

Get up off your asses, and let's jam. One good song, with a powerful message. Come on, picture me dancing around my living room like the wacky girl you all love to chat it up with. You know you do. And that's why I know you will make it thru!

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