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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#590211 added June 11, 2008 at 6:56am
Restrictions: None
Wicked Wednesday
Well, lets hope not. I do like the title though. Ah, the day off has arrived. It's early, the muffins are cooling on the rack in the kitchen, the smell has taken over the house, and the coffee is tastey. Theresa thinks this will be a good day. Hell, it better be. *Wink*

It's the last day of school. Z plans to go to lunch with friends at 10:30 when they get out. And me.....well, I'm freaking out a bit. A bunch of 16 year olds driving around scares me. Especially when one of them is my boy. I know it's time for me to cut the cord a bit, but this is a first, so I am trying not to be overly concerned. When I asked him yesterday if things would be fine, he replied, "I hope so." This is probably why the boy doesn't do much driving. He can, has the permit, but for him it's too much work, concentration and responsibility that he's just not ready for. I totally trust his best friend A, but since I haven't met the other boys, I'm being cautious. Just can't help it.

So I will get D from school and take him out to lunch. God only knows what that child will have in mind for me. Sometimes that kid is so much like me it's downright scary. *Bigsmile* I mean, I can see things in his eyes, know what he's thinking. And, he is so very talkative........hmmm, wonder where he gets that from. *Rolleyes* Yeah, just ask the fam, it's me. Whatever.

I'm really excited this morning. I did something that I am hoping will be really fun, and good for WDC. I made my own reviewing group. *Thumbsup* I took a class and learned how to make a group, so it's just been sitting in my port. I belong to 5 Houses, all which cater to different books. But some things sit and don't get reviewed. So I thought, what if you could get enough members in a group, have each one read a chapter, and try to get the author an entire book read and reviewed. I know that it's hard to read the middle of the book. But there are certain things that need to be present in each chapter. So I'm taking a chance. I have 5 members, including myself at this point. But I think this could really work.

Lebanon Here I Come
We are now all confirmed for our trip. The boys and I are flying out on July 11th. Hubby will follow ten days later. I was hoping to come home right after the wedding since it's late in August, but finding a seat was incredibly difficult. I come home on August 22nd. Woots for making it before the start of school. And here's what pisses me off to no end. When we were evacuated from Lebanon in 06', we still had return tickets. Well, they gave us a voucher. For the three of us it amounted to $900. What a loss right? Here's the kick in my ass. They expired a year ago!?!?? No where on that voucher does it have an expiration date. The travel agent didn't bother to let me know that either. So I am pissed. Especially since the friggin tickets have gone up $800 each this year. Each lovely ticket is costing us a whopping $2200. Can you say OUCH With these prices, how am I supposed to get a car before we leave???? I need a damn car. Of my own. The SUV scares the shit out of me. I drive too fast, and the turns are freaky in that thing. Besides the fact that I can't back out of parking spaces. UGH!


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