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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#599455 added July 31, 2008 at 1:53am
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Hmm, not a lot to report actually. But I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date with the happenings of my vacation.

Hamoudie came home yesterday!!!*Smile* He looks good, still wearing the brace and his head is covered this time. The scan of his brain was clean. So if he stays infection free for six months, he'll undergo surgery so they can place a piece of plastic where the skull is missing. Sounds awfully painful to this princess who has no tolerance for pain.

I have blisters all over my feet from my new white sandals, but I don't care. I love the figgin shoes, so I wear them more than I should. And don't they just look slammin with bandaids on my feet too.

Took my gold to Beirut, and I will be getting more than I paid for them. Awesome right? Well since I'm buying new stuff, I won't be getting as much as I am selling. Two necklaces, and four bracelets. Ah well. I did buy this cool heart and a necklace to go with it, and I dare say it looks Mah-valous. *Laugh* I plan to buy white gold this time around, since the new wedding ring set R got me for Christmas is white gold. I have nothing to match it. And if you know me, then you know I'm big on matching things. For instance, my shirt and panties always have to match. I go out of my way to make that happen. Don't ask me why, always been that way. Must be all the 80's tv that I watched as a teen. *Shock* If I can't match with the shirt, then at least the pants. Welcome to my daily insanity. If only I could find as many bra's to match, it would be a perfect T world.

Was supposed to go and meet a fellow WDC-er tonight, but we had to push it back to Tuesday. Hope it all works out. I'm really excited to meet another American married to a Lebanese, and someone who've I 've had the pleasure of reading and reviewing. Nothing like a face-to-face.

The boys went to a water park yesterday with their cousin Ahmad. Danny is so burnt, my poor baby, has his mother's light skin. He swears up and down that he put the sunscreen on, but doing it once isn't enough. Wonder if he's aware of it. *Rolleyes* Even Zak is red, which he doesn't believe. He's natually dark, but the sun here is so powerful, especially in the higher elevations. At least they had a day of fun.

R and I went to breakfast with Hamatay, Mahadine and Aleigh, Hela, Joumana, and Ashraf. I totally enjoyed it. Any time I do not have to cook is a good meal. Besides I had to have the blood work drawn before I could eat. Don't you just hate that? I swear when you can't eat for 12 hours, you feel hungry, more so than usual. At least that is the case with me. I should have the test results tomorrow. Still need to schedule appointments to see the other two doctors. And since my mouth is a disaster, my stomach is cramping and I'm having sharp pains, I imagine I should do it quickly.

With any luck my crown will be ready today. The nasty pain seems to be gone. Thank God for small favors. If it's not one thing, it's another with me. I'm a walking health nightmare. Somebody save me, figure out what the hell is wrong with me, and make me better. Am I asking too much? Is this payback for all the stupid things I've done in my life? Most likely. I admit to being a screw up on occasion, it's part of my charm. I tend to jump in with both feet, screw up royally, and then learn from my mistakes. Then I get to preach to others and irritate the piss right out of them. *Wink* Again, that whole charm thing I got going on.

Well I'm in the mood to read. The Maggie Shayne, is called Lover's Bite What a sexy title. And here's a tidbit of info. Danny already read the damn thing. He only brought two books with him, read thru them in the first week and was dying for something to read, so he took the book I'd only read three pages of. And now the little shit is taunting me since he knows how it ends. And he thinks I'm stupid enough to believe he didn't read the sex parts. Please, he's a boy. I'm not dumb or blind, and just telling him to skip over it is way more temptation for a 13 year old to handle. He was impressed that I read to chapter four yesterday. I need to catch up before he makes me pin him down on the bed, tickle torture him until he spills all info of my book!

Peace Out.......

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