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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#600500 added August 6, 2008 at 2:32am
Restrictions: None
Wicked Wednesday
Not really, but it sounded good. *Laugh*

Yesterday we had breakfast guests. And I come to learn that Hamoudie spent two hours reading my blog entries the night before. Now, I am honored that he would sit down and read my insane journey called life, but then I begin to wonder. How bored is he? I mean, I rant, I rave, bitch, complain, moan and groan, and on occasion, you'll get a good laugh. Let's face it, strange phenomena tend to follow me around it. If I had a dime for every time something bizarre happened to me I'd be a rich woman.

So Hamoudie, know this. I write the blog with love. For everyone in my life, be they strangers, friends or family. And if I write about you, it's because I care. Seeing you getting better, being here if you need me, is something I am thankful for everyday. The miles that seperate us for most of the years only mean that I am not physically able to help. I am always here for you, whenever you need me, wherever I may be. Always remember that! *Wink*

Yesterday was fire on the mountain day. It was really bad. Two helicopters spent hours flying over my building, with huge buckets of water. Hamoudie and I went up to the roof so I could take pictures. Ok, here's the thing with these new cameras. When the sun is shining, you can't see the display screen, and end up taking random pix of the side of a building, a cloud. UGH! I was only able to get one good shot of the chopper above the fire. I'll be trying to post that one tomorrow. We spend the day in Beirut, but coming home, all I smell is fire. The entire house reeks. We left the windows open last night, and my throat was killing me. Hubby finally got up and cranked on the AC and it was heaven. Yes, Theresa finally slept and my throat feels fine this morning. Woots!

I met Mia. The drive up to Awkar was fine. All because my BIL Ahmad drove. This man knows the sneaky ways to get around traffic jams, I tell ya. If hubby and I had been going alone, we'd still be sitting in traffic. *Laugh* What was strange though, was on the drive back to Beirut. We drove on the bridge where the boys and I evacuated two years earlier. It was creepy, and sad, and really hit me emotionally. I've said nothing to anyone, just kind of going thru the motions. I am being encouraged by the family here to write about my experience, and now I'm thinking that it would be a good time to do so upon my return to the States. I don't want to lose what I remember, and I am getting over the fear of being here if something were to happen. Maybe it's because hubby is by my side, or that I am stronger than I think, can't put my finger on that one. Either way, I am a survivor, always have been. And I do realize that when my time is up, it's out of my hands. I'll put my trust into God's hands, and leave it alone.

I've been told that I am different this year. Well, yeah. I am getting older, tends to happen. What I don't like, is the fact that some tend to think that's a bad thing. There is a big family here. In my usual stubborn Irish self, I've flocked to certain individuals, well this year, I'm not doing that. I am making the rounds, and making connections that I hadn't in the past. It was my own doing, and only I can make up for it. So now some are feeling a bit slighted I guess. That was never my intention. I am not the only one who's changed though. The kids are not kids anymore. They are adults, working, living, getting engaged and building their futures. So how is it that I am the only one to have changed here? I'm not. It's a two way street. I figure the best thing I can do is to let it lie, and focus on having fun for the next few weeks. Because before I know it, it will be August 22nd, and I'll be on a plane home. Well, I'm done here today.

Bet you're glad huh! *Bigsmile*

Peace Out...

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