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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#600811 added August 8, 2008 at 2:02am
Restrictions: None
It's Friday Bitches!
Let's here it for Friday. Woots! Now, I'm not sure if I mentioned all the random gunfire up in the mountain, but I was's not random. *Shock* That's right, they built a gunrange, right down the hill. Oh joy. Now everyone morning the police show up for target practice. I swear it's irritating as hell. What's a poor girl to do? Roll her eyes everytime I hear it, that's what.

Yesterday we stayed home, another shock I know. We ended up going to Beirut last night to go to Ahmad's. I've been bad, haven't been there once yet. ~~slaps self quickly one time~~ Anyway, I wore a nice shirt with jeans. And you know what, they didn't recognize me when I got out of the car. So used to the T-shirt, dress down kinda girl I've become. *Bigsmile* They couldn't stop talking about it. It did serve to make me feel very good indeed. Then, I had to go hang out with the girls.... Nadine and Siham. They were jamming songs, and I couldn't resist. I left the adults to go dance up a storm with the teens. And Sirine of course. That four year old is a trip I tell ya. She plants herself in front of the mirror, singing her heart out and making these hilarious faces as she dances and bounces around. But if I hear "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry one more time I might just delete the track from my ipoody. They are hooked on that tune Can't get enough of it, and it's overkill.

Speaking of the ipod. It's getting quite the workout here. Ahmad's car radio has only one volume setting. {i]EXTREMELY LOUD!!! Now don't get me wrong, I love to blast a good song, but scanning the radio with that think going off is irritating like hell. So, it's a good thing I thought ahead. I brought with me my handy dandy ipod/cassette converter. We can jam my ipod as we drive around, scaring people with my random American Musak. LOL.

Hubby is suddenly into Christina Aguliera. And this song in particular. Wonder if there is a hidden meaning with his interest with this song.

Still need to sell my gold and buy new. Almost everyone thinks I should hang onto the bangle bracets. Well this is the first set I ever got, so there's another one in America, besides one that stands alone. One necklace has been broken at least a dozen times, so that has to go, another we bought for that ex-BIL who snubbed it off as trash. I'm sorry, I wasted $200 of my money on your ass pal. So that I refuse to keep. I'm getting a good deal of money for the ones I am selling, and I want to buy some white gold to match the wedding set I got for xmas. It's a win-win situation, I swear. So with any luck, I'll be selling the bad gold, and coming home with some new shiny pieces that make me smile.

I'm going crazy on this gluten-free diet. It's kicking my ass that's for sure, and I'm starving I tell ya. Theresa needs food. Like today. Hopefully we'll have a chance to find that bakery that bakes with rice and corn flour only. One can hope, right?

I'm off, gotta see a man about a plot twist for Duncan. Can't write the scene if it looks like it won't work in the first place.

Peace Out...

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