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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#600977 added August 9, 2008 at 1:16am
Restrictions: None
Day 6
on the Gluten-Free Diet, and I don't think it's helping me at all. My mouth is doing what it always does when it doesn't feel like giving me a break from the painful hell of the's just shifting them around. When small one grow and turn big then work their way around my mouth it pisses me off to no end. I'm tired of this, of having them, of dealing with it, of not having answers as to WHY I got this in the first place. UGH!

For one brief moment, I stood on the balcony and wondered... I'm gonna chalk that up to me being an overdramatic writer, nothing more, nothing less. But I do realize I'm exhausted when it comes to my health. So things are going to change, I will aggressively push all medical staff to figure this out, and make me better. I hold out hope that Monday will bring some news. I need there to be something in the blood work, because his alternatives freaked me out.

If by some chance the blood work comes back and I all tests were clear, there are two alternatives that he wants to look into. The first is my white blood cell count. It could be low, might need meds to boost them (which I am taking, but not religiously as I should). Or, Crohn's Disease. Well, I've been tested, had that lovely invasive colonoscopy about 5 years ago. That doc said, "You have a lovely colon." *Shock* Would you believe that I smiled after that comment? Well, I did, it meant that my fears were eased. But here we are again, and this doc already said he'd like me to be tested again. Just the thought of drinking all that system flushing sweet crap makes my stomach churn. I'm not ready for that again.

Hubby and I were going to go the bakery that sells gluten-free bread yesterday, but I made him wait. In two days the test results will be in. I have 12 days left of my vacation, and if I don't have a problem with wheat, then why waste money on bread that I might not need. So I wait, sitting her at my favorite place......WDC.

And the connex this morning sux. I keep getting booted and it pisses me off to no end. I mean seriously is this fair? I only get a handful of pc time anyway, and to be bothered with having to connect to the internet time and time again is just wrong.

Ah, shit. I hate it when my blog entry becomes one big rant/bitch session. I swear I'm a happy person. But it seems that I have much to bitch about. *Laugh*

We were going to head off the beach today, but this princess wants a swimming pool this time, and it costs more money, and most can't go til the afternoon so it looks like we will sit on our butt's today. That is, until nightfall when we head off to I don't know where for another adventure in dining. I say this knowing that no matter where we end up, it will be something we talk about for decades to come. I find it totally amusing that every time we get all the adult together to eat out, it because one big disaster. I will be taking 2 Aleve (yeah I know, doc says to lay off of 'em, but until I find a replacement, I will do what I must) before we head out the door. That's what a smart Theresa does. Why? Well, let's see.........

One time, we didn't get actual food until 1:30 in the morning. The restaurant ran out of bread, smuggling it in under their shirts. Another, there wasn't enough to feed 16 hungry souls, but it cost a pretty penny. All I know is, that it will some how keep us laughing for the next ten years.

Last night at Hanadi's we were talking about these adventures. Even one where Joumana took me to the dentist, swore he spoke English, which he didn't, and then she had to translate what the dentist was going to do to my mouth. Let's just say that every single time anyone starts talking about that incident, we wind up on the ground laughing. That is a kleenex story for sure, since it will leave you crying. Ok, I'm done for least I hope I am.

Peace Out.....

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