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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#601647 added August 13, 2008 at 1:24am
Restrictions: None
For 100% certainty...
I'm going into the hospital Thursday morning for a biopsy. Freaking out? Hell yeah! There are a few key reasons why. One, the second floor of the hospital is for Women only. Hamaytay will be with me, who speaks NO english, but says she knows everyone at the hospital. Ok, I'm sorry, but this doesn't do anything to calm my fears. I'm going to be knocked out, which is good cause I seriously don't wanna be awake listening to a bunch of Arabic I won't even understand. And I know, I'm a big baby, I want my MOM! She didn't seem happy that she couldn't be here either, so at least I'm not the only one feeling a bit disjointed. So my english speaking hubby will have to wait on another floor. And that just sux.

At least the doc speaks English, and I should be in and out of the hospital in a couple of hours. So my fingers are crossed that I will know without a doubt that I have Celiac Disease, and the only cure is the Gluten Free Diet. So with losing one food group, Theresa might just get one back that's been missing in her life for years. Oh yes, in a few short weeks, I will be able to eat dairy products again. ~~~woots.......theresa does the happy dance on top off all bread and gluten products~~~

Just think--cheesecake, cheese, milk, sour cream, ice cream, omg, I'm salivating already. I would easily give up bread to be able to eat cheesecake again. No contest here people. Bring it on, give me dairy. *Smile*

In other news. Hamoudie has finally learned what bacteria is refusing to let him have some peace. And now, with the right anitbiotics, he'll be treated correctly. It's about damn time.! This vacation is turning out to be a medical/dental vacation, and the time has gone too swiftly.

The internet router that I paid $80 for, is useless to me, won't work for this pc, and guess what. I don't believe I will be getting my money back. What a crock of shit! I mean, if it doesn't work, what good is it to me. And I'm sorry, but that's this guy's job. Are you telling me that he can't turn around and sell it to another? Bull shit! I don't mind taking a slight loss, but not 80 friggin dollars. I can waste my money on other things, like a biospy. *Bigsmile*

I finally took my gold back to sell, and the price has dropped. My original quote was $1015, and now it's down to $820. OUCH! I only sold the broken pieces, and bought earrings, a necklace and bracelet. Oh yeah. Getting white gold to match the wedding ring. Sweetness. Me likes, me likes. Well, I'm kinds tired of typing, and need to figure out what I'm taking to Beirut since I'll be sleeping in the sweltering heat tonight. UGH! All in the name of answers to my health, so it will be worth the suffering.

Peace Out.......

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