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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#602350 added August 17, 2008 at 2:04am
Restrictions: None
Ah Sunday
a day of relaxation. NOT! I mean, I'm not sure what is going on today, all I know is that I'm still tired from yesterday, and I didn't even make it to DT damn it all.

I am sunburned from the beach....shocker. Since the new swimsuit is now hiding in a drawer, and I had to wear the old one that I'm completely tired of looking at, That means I have new tan lines----er, ah, I mean I will have new tan lines just as soon as this damn sunburn goes away. I hate wearing that strapless bra while running around because I keep feeling like it's going to fall off. That would be scary.

I loved going to Al-Jisr yesterday. They have three swimming pools, but you can't get me out of the big one. I live there, hence the burn. I am a Pisces, and swimming is one of my passions, besides the fact that it's something I'm really good at. Zak even yelled at me for showing off, saying...."ok Mom, we get it, you're the best swimmer here." *Laugh* That little shit! I wasn't trying to show off, well maybe just a smidge, but I wanted to see if I could still do the things I do at the gym. And yes, I can do most of those moves. I've now grown accustomed to the nose plug and goggles that I didn't bring with me to Lebanon. What a dumb ass, I swear. I knew I would be hitting the pool here at least once. And seriously if you're in salt water, goggles and nose plugs would be good. What was I thinking?

We got home, ate, showered, and heading down to a sweltering Beirut. Painful I swear. I just spent 6 hours swimming and now going into the heat, exhaustion begins to set in, but damn did my hair look good. *Wink* So we get to Hamoudie's Sitak's (grandmother father's side) house where the Moulid is happening. It was supposed to start at 7:30, it's almost 8:30 when we get there and hubby is freaking out that we missed the entire thing. Not so. It hasn't even started. By ten, I am dying to leave. I don't understand a word, no talking amoungst yourselves, it's a prayer session. And I have a runny nose, the Claritin I brought just isn't working well for me this day. Chlorine probably didn't help it much, but oh well. So from the prayer session, we head across town to a birthday party.

I was dying. Sitting in a dark corner, cigarette smoke blowing in my face, crappy music playing. I don't understand why parties end up repeating the same songs as if they were on a loop of some sort. You know you're having a party, hearing "yeah by Usher" tens times just gives me a headache. And that ain't good. They were insulted (I could tell) by the fact that I didn't eat anything. Why? Cause I can't. I was hungry, would have loved to eat something, but it's forboden. Whatever. Then they have to discuss how tired I look, and quiet I am. No kidding, it had been a hell of a day. This six hours of sleep thing is a killer. In fact, if I were smart, I'd be napping right now.

Finally, we get to leave the party...........hooray. The second I laid down on that bed, I was out like a light. I don't even remember the light in the bedroom going off. Guess I'll have to ask hubby what time he came to bed. LOL.

And the electric just went out. An hour earlier than usual. Woots for APS--alternate power source-- which has saved my blog more times than I can count. Well I'm off for that nap that I will no doubt need today. Wedding tomorrow and I have a 3pm appointment to get my hair done. It's the thing to do here, so when in Rome...........

Added a few more pix to the Balcony photo albumn, check it out.

Peace Out......

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