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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#602651 added August 19, 2008 at 1:48am
Restrictions: None
The Wedding
All I can say is.......WOW. The reception was wonderful. I never thought I'd enjoy it so much, but I barely kept myself off the dance floor. I realized just how much I love to dance, and with all the partners to choose from, just made it better. And not only did I dance, but Zak and Danny were dragged out onto the floor and I danced with my babies. Now that is so awesome.

Nazik looked beautiful, and her and Issam are very much in love, and extremely happy. The second he walked into the hall, you could feel it pouring out of him. And when Nazik appeared, I cried. I am the emotional type, sue me. I got to see her in the morning before we all headed down to Beirut, and she was nervous, not so much for the Reception, but nervous for the wedding night. I had one question only for her. Do you love him? She didn't have to answer me, I knew just how much she loved him the second I landed and asked her if she was happy. But she blushed, her big brown eyes lit up and sparkled and she told me yes. I told her she had nothing to worry about, smile, relax, enjoy and have fun. I got to dance with Hamoudie, a true joy. When he danced with his mother, most of the eyes on the dance floor were teary. This is the boy who dances like Michael Jackson, and usually brings the dancers to a halt as we all stop to watch him. After the accident everyone was afraid that he'd never dance again. We all saw that theory shot straight to hell. Woots! The boy still has some moves left, just needs to heal a bit more and he'll be fine. This I predict.

This is my wish for all the nieces and nephews. I love you all, only want to see you happy, and with someone that you truly love. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. So if I come off a bit guarded, and little extreme, and don't care what family the intended comes from, it's because I am a hopeful romantic and believe love conqours all. What can I say? I'm that easy. *Laugh*

I guess we are off to the beach again today. I am not looking forward to it, still nursing this sunburn from Saturday. I hate that I'm so pale. As a kid I always tanned, lived in the sun and at the pool next to my home. WTF happened that turned my skin so pale as I got older? Where is the American Indian blood? Did the stubborn Irish blood push it aside and take over? Hmm, now there's a thought. Hubby just remarked two days ago that Danny gets his stubborness from me. I can't rule it out. I continually tell the boy he has that stubborn Irish blood coursing through his veins and it drives me nuts. Since the boy looks like me, it is possible that he takes after me in other ways too. Not that I'd ever admit that to the hubby of course. I told him to look again,---at his parents. Now there are two stubborn people if I ever met any. He couldn't deny that charge. Yes, Theresa shoots and scores. *Wink*

Not sure if we will be closing up the house tomorrow or Thursday. Either way, I'm not ready to go home. I love it here. I have too much fun, even with all the family drama that has gone on this visit. See, when I get home, I know how busy it will be, and on top of that, Ramadan begins. And sundown is like 8:30. That sux! But, we will fast, and enjoy doing it together, so I can't complain too much.

And just thinking of being back home reminds me that I have a job. UGH! I don't wanna work. It's been so relaxing not having to do that for 6 weeks. *Cry* Somebody save me. LOL. Ok, the rant has begun, so ugly and I refuse to do that on this beautiful day. It's going to be 40 degrees here, which means...........friggin hotter than hell. The beach does sound inviting when you think of the heat. I'm off, going to go chat with the chatties for a bit before signing off.

MEDICAL UPDATE: Biopsy---------negative. Yeah, right? Ah, maybe not at this particular moment. I see the doc tomorrow with my latest rounds of blood test. He says I don't have Celiac Disease, which I am so very thankful for, but I have an allergy that is causing all these ulcers. Now we get to figure out which one. And I fly home Friday. So even if I take the blood test tomorrow, the lab needs a week to get the results. I hate that I won't be here for that. Doc gave me meds for the ulcers, which I have to take for a month straight. UGH! I hate taking pills. That is my form of torture, but if they make me better, I'll get thru it. He wants me to stay on the gluten free diet, but hell, I don't. So I had a hamburger yesterday, in a bun, and damn it was good. I'm not going to continue to starve myself while I wait for a definite answer of what is wrong. The mouth ulcers are still popping up in my mouth, and Alea thinks maybe it's a corn allergy, since the corn intake went up after I started this diet. God I hope not. I like corn.

Peace Out...

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