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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#603739 added August 25, 2008 at 8:02pm
Restrictions: None
Monday, Monday
I was sooooooo not ready to jump back into the work scene today, but I did. First off I took Z to the orthodontist. That guy knew he hadn't been wearing his rubber bands. So as a reward, he now has a chain around every top tooth. The boy is in pain. And if he thought for a second he was suffering before, well, that just goes to show him how wrong he was. *Laugh* I tired to warn him, but hey, what do I know? Then we headed off the high school. And, they told us make-up day is Thursday. Wow, great. I see a conflict here. D has his schedule pick on Thursday morning too. Some child will get stuck waiting for me, that's a given.

Since I posted the pix, I had a few remark that it's private life, and I shouldn't be posting images of us on the net. So, it's now passkeyed. Want in? Send me an email and I'll give you the passkey.


I saw this in Lebanon of all places, and since I love both Rhianna and Maroon 5, the teaming up for a duet was just awesome. Check it out.

Oh baby, that was hot. *Wink*

I hit the chat room, so anxious to get back to my usual group of chatties, and it was pretty quiet in there. But, I did get to yak with a few that I'd missed, and it's just not the same without D. Palmer She was my ususal coffee date in the mornings, and was always jumping in and out taking short breaks from her writing frenzy. I'm sad that she's gone. And for those handful of people who think she shouldn't be talked about, especially in chat, then I urge you to get the hell out and shut the hell up. Just because someone is gone, has died, doesn't mean you forget them. Espeically if that person is someone you respect, and admire. The only way to keep their memory alive to is think fondly of them, and talk about them with those who knew and cared for them. Isn't that what all of us hope for after we've gone on? I know I sure as hell do.

I'm still on Lebanese time. And I hate that I am up at 5am. I plan to force myself to stay up until 10:30 so I can sleep until at last 6. Wonder if I'll even be able to do it. Might take a miracle.

Health Update

I can report that I only have one small ulcer in my mouth. Woots for feeling better. The burning is gone from my stomach, and I feel good. Looks like I am the culprit for five years of suffering, and that just sux. I'm glad I know what caused all that, but at the same time, I'm kicking myself for not heeding the warnings early on. So now I figure I'll have to come up with a new stratigy. I'm thinking along the lines of self healing. When I get stressed, I'll need an outlet, WDC is a good one. When I'm tired, or have a headache, I need to take a nap. My body is telling me what it needs and I haven't been listening. Well, no more. When I'm hungry, I'll eat, and I'll make better, more conscience decisions as to what exactly I will put in my mouth. I like that I'm looking and feeling better. And the easiest way to screw that up is by going back to old, nasty, depressing habits. Been there--done that, time to move on. Which is exactly what I plan to do.

Peace Out...

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