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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#604125 added August 27, 2008 at 10:03pm
Restrictions: None
New Insight
Well, I actually went through and read a ton of newsletters today from WDC about writing. Each had a different subject matter, and one in particular caught my eye. The subject was about blogs and blogging. It seems most include passages of their writing in theirs, or spend the most amount of their blog on their writing. Well, I don't. I tend to rant, and toss out all the juicy little tidbits of my wonderful life for the world to enjoy. So, I've decided that I must write something new every single day. Even if it's only a paragraph. So expect to see a portion of what's new in my writing on the blog.

Another newsletter that just made my day was the UnOfficial Erotica Newsletter. Now last week they featured one of my shorts for the Weekly Quickie Contest, so I was totally amazed that this week, another one was a featured read. *Blush* Damn, two in a row. What does a girl do for an encore? Well, I just so happen to have something up my sleeve. I loved this prompt for the Quickie this week. So I pondered which superhero I could thrust into a steamy sex scene. Well, it wasn't hard, mostly because I'm partial to only one superhero, and that would be Peter Parker, aka, Spiderman. Oh Yeah! Can't you see it already? So stepping up this plot, I went back into the vault of my memory and decided to pair him up with the Black Cat. These two always seem to scream sexual tension, with the Cat always wanting more, and Spidey walking away. Well that's all about to change boys and girls.


Here's a sneak peak at the opening paragraphs of my quickie entry. Obviously it could be changed. Bear in mind the 690 word count.

He crouched on the corner of a fifty-story building, the glow of the neon lights below inviting, but he couldn’t leave—not yet. A cool breeze blew from the North and he closed his eyes, visions of her flooding his mind.

“Waiting for me?” she purred her voice thick with hunger.

He didn’t hear her arrive, which wasn’t unusual. Her sultry voice filled the silent night. He knew exactly what she wanted. Years of this cat and mouse game they had played and it always ended the same way—both frustrated and wanting more. Tired of it? Yes. Ready and willing to change that pattern still remained to be seen.

“Cat.” He stood keeping his back to her. One look into those piercing green eyes and he’d be her next meal.

Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

In other quickie news. I got an email from Ricky, who was taking a poll to see if the word count should be upped. And I agreed, just because I think 969 is a much flashier number, and the fact that I am slow to begin a quickie, needed to add more background info for my characters. Well, it's yet to be determined. Last week he had a guest judge and won his contest with a great entry that blew me away. I commented to him that he should have more guests judges, and he invited me to do so anytime. *Blush* I am so honored, and I'm almost positive I will be making plans to do just that. *Wink*

Well, I'm off, have to finish writing this new exciting 690 word little ditty. Keep your fingers crossed, it's one of those times when I really want a win, and the hunger will keep me on the edge of my seat all damn weekend long.


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