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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#604578 added August 30, 2008 at 3:14pm
Restrictions: None
Dinner out
There is nothing worse than going out to dinner and then coming home sick as a dog. We always go out on Friday nite. So the dinner selection was Olive Garden. Now I'm not big on Italian food, but I love their Mediterraen Grill, what can I say. So we ordered, filled up on bread and salad, and ate the meal. And then my back started hurting, like something was sitting on me. Then it got worse. My stomach was killing me. And then my chest. So I took off out to the car. Thought I'd overdone the dairy and was now going to suffer a night of hell for it. We get home, I am growing worse with each passing second. Rolling on the bed, as if someone took something and put it around my body from my shoulder to my hip bone and began squeezing the breath right out of me. I started sweating, made it to the living room, but hubby was sleeping. I didn't have the heart to wake him it were just gas. So I went back to the bed to suffer some more. Zak came in, and I told him to grab the laptop and start looking up symptoms. I know I shouldn't have had my kid looking up the term 'heart attack' but seriously I thought that was happening. Then I had to look up indigestion, as I was growing worse. I couldn't take it any more. Made my way back to the living room to get hubby and was thinking of going to the ER. Well he was pissed cause I didn't wake him earlier. And then he started rubbing my back, and then........I was lucky to get to the bathroom in time to toss up my $20 dinner. All of it. So last night, I thought it was the dinner that made me sick, but hubby and I think that it might be the piece of watermelon that didn't make it to the fridge. It tasted fine, but who knows. Today, I feel good. No issues.

Zak's pc has crashed. Damn computers. Called Staples, but the other one won't be ready until Tuesday or Wednesday. Doesn't look like hubby is going to replace the one that went to work, so this ought to be damn interesting. Not looking forward to telling that to the boys who were looking forward to having their own computers. I'll let their dad break that news. *Laugh*

Ramadan begins Monday. No eating, drinking, sex, kissing, from sun up to sun down. And damn are the days long right now. I figure we'll be good with a nap in the afternoon before getting up to put the final touches on the food.

I got my quickie entry in just before the deadline. Had a few good reviews, and I read all the entries. It's stiff competition. Guess I'll find out how I did come Monday. Well, I'm done for today I believe. The hubby's home and we have a date to pick up mail for the parents, drop Dad's truck off, get the Ramadan schedule and hit Sam's club for a shopping spree. Woots. So not looking forward to all of that. LOL.


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