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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#604901 added September 3, 2008 at 3:56pm
Restrictions: None
Ramadan Begins
Well, it's here, time to fast and watch my tongue. And let me start by saying, that ain't no small feat. I have sworn at least a half a dozen times today. I'm trying though. The hard part for me now is that nonsex thing. I can't even read or write about while fasting. So I'm going to have to come on at night and try to crank out at least one review in each house to keep my own work up on the boards. Ought to be quite interesting this month indeed.

Dinner party last night was great. Always nice to see old friends. Throw some family into the mix and we have ourselves a party. Now my STBSIL brought one of those bumpy cakes. You know the one with all the fudge and chocolate. I was dying for a taste, but kindly didn't take any. I'm too paranoid at this point that I'll wind up with a headache or trigger a migraine, and I'm so not up to ride one of those out at this particular moment in time. So I compromised and ate a piece of cheesecake. Yummy. But not a fudge bumpy cake. *Cry*

Parents came home today from their Up North Excursion, and I showed up in need of a coupon for Bed, Bath & Beyond. The second we got out of the truck, we noticed the lawn tore up. Now having been there earlier in the day, I didn't get it. Upon further inspection, we found three dead baby bunnies, and one barely clinging to life. So sad. They were so tiny, and I'm sure one of those nasty cats was responsible for snuffing the little bunnies lives out. My dad put the black one that was breathing back into the hole and covered it up, but he was injuried. I could go off right about now, but I don't break my fast for another 50 minutes, so I'll bite my tongue for the moment.

I bought a new set of cookware. It was desperately needed. Since Nasser has my old TFAL set, I needed to replace it. I hate when you buy things at the store, and they smell. And I'm not talking just any smell. I'm talking about a most repulsive order........bug spray. I believe it's more like spary to kill cockroaches. I'm familiar with it when it's on the cartons of pop. Espeically since one time long ago a roach was in the carton I brought home and 'viola' instant pets invaded my homestead. Eww, not a very pleasant memory. But I digress. Well, my new set reeks like bug spray. I washed them of course before using them. But I dont' think it removed the smell. Either that, or it's just stuck in my nose at the moment. Again, EWWWWWWWW.

The Dell is dead. Thanks to some hijacking hack, Zak's pc is gone. You can get on, for all of 5 seconds before it shuts down. And Dell tech support is just crap. ~~~~notice I didn't use my favorite swear word here~~~~~ I went on line, and all their little tricks got me was nowhere. Now hubby says too bad, we are not going to get a new one when the boys don't take care of what we have. So the HP I just forked over better work for a bit. I don't like handing off MY laptop. Call me selfish, I really don't care. It's mine, my baby, I paid for it, and I don't want it all messed up. If it gets hijacked, it should be from my own doing, not at the hands of the kids. I love my boys, but I love my pc just as much. *Laugh*

Well, the stomach has begun to growl like a madman. I need to put the finishing touches on the massive meal and get ready to sit down and enjoy the first meal of the day. Actually we did get up at 4:45, but I wasn't in the mood to eat much. Hopefully that will change today.


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