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About This Author
I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#605080 added September 2, 2008 at 10:15pm
Restrictions: None
I'm so excited.....
Over the weekend, I was contacted by The Unofficial Erotica Newsletter that I am a member of, and they interviewed me to be the featured author of the week. I was so thrilled, and have kept the secret, but since the newsletter came out today, I thought I'd share the interview with those who don't get the newsletter. So here it is.....


Please join me in welcoming our featured Author Of The Week:

Purple Eyez Aglow

Acer-T was kind enough to sit down with me and share her thoughts:

1. Why erotica? What attracts you to this genre more than others?

I actually stumbled into Erotica. Working on my Contemporary Romances on WDC, it was suggested that I try out Ricky's contest. And on my first entry, I took first place. That little win turned some light on inside me, and now I'm addicted to it.

2. Are there any other genres you like to write? Any you wish you could write?

Romance, and I dapple on occasion in poetry, but I'm not a poet. That just takes too much work. I wish I could write a Vampire novel. The characters are so vibrant and dark at the same time, more complex then a regular character, but I don't know if I have that in me.

3. Do you feel that there's a common theme to your work? If so, what is it, and why are you attracted to that particular theme?

Romance is what I aspire to create. I want the guy to get the girl, the happily ever after. I consider myself a hopeful romantic, which is easy to see in my work.

4. Where do you find inspiration for your writing?

Everywhere! I admit to being nosy, to paying attention to things around me. I watch too much TV - but I like to see character's mannerisims, it helps me bring them to life on the pages in my work. I read a lot, especially on WDC. Life is full of inspiration, you just have to pay attention.

5. What turns you on in erotica? What turns you off?

I am a very emotional person, so I have to have that emotional connection to really get into it. Cold, quick sex does nothing for me. I'm learning to expand my boundaries, to let go of my own personal hang ups. It's a necessity in this genre. So anything involving torture or pain, would be something I wouldn't read.

6. What are some of your favorite works of erotica? Favorite authors?

I'm not even sure if the authors I read are considered erotica, but I'm addicted to Maggie Shayne, and Linda Lael Miller. I can remember the first time I read a sex scene. I had to walk away, couldn't believe my eyes, but then I realized that sex is part of any good relationship, and it should be a part of the book. On WDC, there's a few that come to mind, you always have something good to read and I look forward to your quickie entries. Olivia K.Homecoming - We kinda of stumbled into this together, and help one another out all the time. matthewhuge is great too. Patricia Oshier Stepp , Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 , just to name a few. This site has so many talented wrtiers, and learning from all of them is something I look forward to everyday.

7. What's your favorite piece of writing that you've done? What was your inspiration for that piece?

My favorite, and I'd have to say my best piece of work would be the novel I'm working on, "Distracting Duncan" . I decided to take the plunge and participate in March Nano here on WDC, and I had this idea roaming around in my brain of two characters that hadn't seen one another in a decade, and didn't really care to ever again, but circumstances throw them together and they fall in love. I'd have to say my inspiration was more a goal for myself. Could I write an erotica novel that was hot, sexy, romantic, and yet had a decent plot? And so far, I'd say the answer is YES. Now I just have to finish it.

8. What do you think about the current state of erotica (or erotic elements) in books, films, etc.?

I don't really watch erotic movies. My kids are older, and my mother paranoia kicks in all the time. I'd die if they ever saw me watching anything like that. They are still dealing with the fact that their mother writes about sex. In books, I think it's about time. As I've said before, it's a natural part of life, of any solid relationship. If you're going to write a story, you have to hit on all the key elements, otherwise, it's just not true to life.

9. Since erotica is, by nature, a genre that pushes the envelope... is there a such thing as "going too far" when writing erotica? If so, what crosses that line for you?

Can't even think about pedophilia, so I'd have to say that is crossing the line for me.

10. Any parting thoughts, or sage words of advice for our readers?

Always. Don't be afraid to experiment in your writing. You never know what you might stumble upon that will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Thanks so much for the interview, I'm very flattered by it.

Thanks Acer, for taking the time to share your answers! If you haven't checked out Acer-T's work yet, head over to her port... you won't be disappointed!

Pretty sweet, huh. I am still on the ceiling, and somebody better get me down and quick before it goes to my head. *Laugh*

Ramadan is kicking our butts today. It's damn hot here, and that is really playing with us. Hubby came home just whipped and I hate seeing him that way. But, he took a cold shower, and we grilled and ate outside, it's all good. For a special treat, we headed to the bakery and bought some Kaleg (kill-edge). They only make this for Ramadan, and it's damn tastey. It is certainly one of my favorites. It's pastry with Ahsta (milk/cheese) product inside. But the best part of it, is the liquid sugar, yummy. It's sitting on the table right in front of me. My mouth is watering as I type away. So don't expect a long blog entry.

PC UPDATE: I called Staples and picked up the pc. It has a new motherboard, new hard drive, and who know what else. I come home, start loading all the fun stuff, and guess what.......the damn thing keeps shutting down. I take it back, and they are sending it out again to replace the fan because it doesn't work anymore. At least I don't have to pay anymore for it. I still believe $250 to fix everything wrong with it was a steal at this point. I mean, hell, the damn things gonna be brand spankin new. Woots, to reclaiming my laptop. Zak's Dell is dead. I called dell to get the restore disk, and would have paid up to $25 for it, but they are asses and insist that I need more than I do, at the not so low price of $65. Well, that pc is crap and isn't worth $65, so I'm not going to bother. Zak will have to deal until I can save up enough cash to buy a decent system. Well, the dessert is screaming my name, and my stomach is growling, so I'm off.


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