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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#605186 added September 3, 2008 at 5:04pm
Restrictions: None
And just like that...
I break from fasting. I swear my monthly always shows up in the beginning. Never in the middle or the end. So now I'm not fasting, and I hate eating or drinking around the family. I always feel like I have to sneak off and hide, then that only makes me feel weird. Seriously, wtf is up with me? They aren't bothered by it, so why do I feel the need to hide in the closet and eat/drink??? Don't even really wanna go there.

My mouth is completely ulcer free. Now I can't even remember the last time that's happened. So woots to the doc in Lebanon. I love ya man! Thanks for caring enough to get to the bottom of my chronic ulcers, and let me eat like a normal person again. I truly forgot just how nice that is. Eating with no burning, no pain, not having to shove everything to one side and chew slowly just to get some much needed sustinance. It's a dream come true, I tell ya!! And, even while taking steroids, I am losing weight. Go figure. I swear my diet is only slightly changed since coming home. So I'm not sure if all this ulcers in my stomach and all the work it had to do just to digest food has anything to do with it, but I am so liking this thinner and healthier me. Can't wait to head back to the gym next month when Ramadan is over. I even ordered a brand new bathingsuit since we all left ours behind in Lebanon. Long story.

First day drama

You know, that wonderful time of year when the kids head back to school, and you think you'll get a moments peace? Well, that's not what happened here this morning. As if it wasn't bad enough that I didn't get them up to eat or drink before sunrise, Danny has a stomach ache and refuses to get out of bed. Now I'm aware that he stayed up really late since he took a four hour nap on the couch yesterday, but I hate that so much. He's so unreasonable when he doesn't want to do something. Then, he realizes that he needs his combination locks TODAY. Which should be no biggie, but again, more drama. The damn locks won't open with any comb I have saved in the book. So he lays the guilt trip on about his belongings being stolen in a locker with no lock and we head off to Target. Where, they are completely cleaned out of master locks. So I call Staples, who of course have them. We dash in, get in line behind someone who has no life.......and finally get checked out and the boy gets to school. 45 minutes late. Whew, that blew big time.

More Drama

Ok, now I'm warning you that I'm going to be a bitch, and I swear that I'm entitled to it. So if you dont' want to read the rant, then skip down. So I have this ex-brother-in-law, whom I despise. I find it odd and irritating as hell that the entire time he's married to my sister, he rarely (only if someone else screwed up first) if ever brought his car to us to fix. I mean, we were family. So now that he's screwed my sister and niece over, he's been around like all the friggin time! I can't stand to talk to him, so looking at him is just torture. Being friendly doesn't come to mind when I know the things he's done. And not only does he bring his car, he brings the new wifey's vehicle. All that I can think about is sabbotage, but I can't. Cause if I did, it would surely bite my ass I have no doubts about it. I can picture him rushing off with a lawsuit and having the last laugh, so I won't even go there, but the thought remains. And he comes in and acts like things are cool, we're all friends. The sight of him makes my stomach churn, and I know hubby doesn't want to see him either. SO WHY THE HELL CAN'T HE FIND ANOTHER DAMN MECHANIC?? Please, somebody help me out here, cause my brain just can't figure it out. Does he seriously believe that we enjoy having to see him.........EVER!?!? Cause hey Felix, newsflash, WE don't! There have to be at least two dozen mechanics closer to his home than our place. I loved it when he came in and waved and I completely ignored him. Well, he rolled his eyes and shook his head. Was actually pissed that I didn't jump the counter and throw myself at him to say hello. Pah--leez. He's lucky I was polite. We had a customer in the office. But I did have some fun with his reciept, but hubby made me clean it up. Apparently, first name ASSHOLE wasn't appropriate, and neither was FELIX THE CAT. I figured if he saw that on this bill, he'd get the message. Guess I'll just have to come up with something else at a later date. But maybe, just maybe, he'll get a clue. But I highly doubt it. The jag off.

Well, I've babbled long enough. Heading off to see the chatties for a few and then I think I'll take a nice little nap. I'm not cooking tonight. Hubby says it's too damn hot. I turned on the AC. I just have to make some fries, and fattouch, and we're ordering Pizza Hut. Yummy. Nice way to break your fast don't you think?


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