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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#605668 added September 6, 2008 at 8:56am
Restrictions: None
I am often amazed by how easy it is to persuade me to do things. I had every intention of doing my usual "IT'S FRIDAY BITCHES" blog entry. Which I love, btw. But, I titled my chat room just that, and was approached by a mod who doesn't like the word, bitches. Well, I tried to figure out how to change the name without booting everyone out of the room, and I couldn't. So, I mass booted the room after I told them I had to do it, and then renamed it and reopened. Well of the 10 people that were in there, only one came back. I swear the convo was flying, people were laughing and having fun, and then they chose to sit in the lobby. *Cry* I am aware my hormones are in flux and all, but shit. I know, it's a friggin chat room that I'm whining about. But this is my down time. This is how I relieve the stress of my daily life. With others who are my age, where we can bitch, and joke, and make each others lives seem less painful. I consider these people my friends, and I know I'm emotional as it is. But that just pissed me off.

So I decided not even to blog, cause it would have turned into a massive bitch session,and I so wasn't in the mood for one of those. Instead, I got off the pc and cleaned the house. Woots to not having housework on a Saturday. I figure I'll get moving on some reviews for my group today. It's still slow going and driving me crazy. Even people I put in charge are slacking. So that is beginning to grate on my nerves.

Hurricanes are flying up the Eastern coast. So for those of you there. Be safe.


While adding songs to hubby's ipod last night, I heard an old familiar tune I hadn't listened to in ages. So now, I keep playing that song over and over again.

Welcome to my 80's time warp. *Laugh* You know how I love the stuff. You should expect it often.

Health Update

Well, I've gone a bit nuts. First off I had a bowl of cereal with actual milk. Now it's been at least 4, but most likely more like 5 or 6 years since I've been able to have milk. This is a miracle I tell ya. Never has cereal tasted so damn good. I enjoyed that bowl so much, that I forgot to wake Zak up for school. *Shock* So the poor kid only had 5 minutes to hussle his booty out to the car. Since the introduction of milk, I then just went crazy. I had to have Nacho Cheese Doritos, and Recess, and Twix, and caramel. All the things that usually kill me for days. And they don't bother me hardly at all. ~~~does the happy dance~~~~

Hubby's back to playing Friday night soccer. Now how he did this without eating or drinking at all last night, I have no ideahow he managed that feat. I couldn't believe I was reheating dinner after 10pm for him. Once he ate, he was so whipped he crashed on the couch. My poor, sweet hubby. That man just runs himself ragged and doesn't even realize it. I need to figure out something cool to do for him during all this working his butt off/fasting/soccer playing thirty days. If anyone deserves it, it would be him for sure.

Danny has lost his cell phone. Now the phone was crap anyway, two years old, but what pisses me off is that now we don't have that sim card. And I need the damn sim card. No sim, no service, no minutes. Which I mind you pay for all on my own. UGH! That kid isn't even fazed by it. I am the one going on rambo mode, seaching the house, his room, his ears for that damn phone. I know he looks like me, but sometimes I gotta wonder where that lackadazical (pardon the spelling) side comes from. Cause it sure as hell ain't me! Ok, that's it. My rant is done.


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