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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#610831 added October 3, 2008 at 7:25pm
Restrictions: None
It's flippin Friday witches
I don't seem to be having a good day. So if today sux, what can the rest of the weekend bring? Nothing worth looking forward to I'm sure. I feel like shit. The sinus infection is kicking my butt, and since I can't take Aleve to take away the pressure and impending headache, I am suffering. My mouth is not getting better, so there's that to deal with. And to top things off, of course I should have my period now as well. It's a triple blow this week for sure. I figure something else will surely happen, so I'm ready. Bring it on.

Hubby has decided to fix one of the few we have at work, pay down our debt first, then buy a decent car. So it looks as if the X5 is my ride for the time being. I won't complain. Zak was pretty pissed when he found out I was getting a different vehicle, since the boy is finally enjoying driving. Must be nice learning how to drive that kind vehicle. The boy doesn't even realize how he's got it made. I think I will insist that he start senior year either by joining a sport, or getting a job. Both will build some character. I myself would love to see him play soccer again. He does have the talent, so why not use what God gave him?

Since I've lost weight, I've had this sudden urge to change my hair. Today I straightened it. It doesn't look horrible, but it's not what I was going for. Going to try something out tomorrow and see if I want to make it a permanent change or not. The second I showed up at work, thirty minutes late, and hubby looked at me, I got defensive. Held out my hands and said, "it's a test" Why? Who the hell knows. I mean, he loved my hair short and poking out all over the place. I have to admit I did as well, it was really cool. But he also liked the curls. And I've thought about getting another perm, but I think I'm ready for a change. Besides, a cut is way cheaper than a perm. With R's birthday Monday, Dad's on Wednesday, Mark and Danny in November and then the holidays, I need to save a bit of cash. Besides, I just charged $150 on my credit card for gp's and renewed my membership for a year.

And I expected today to be a busy chat day. I mean, hell it's Friday. But it's been slow all damn day. I was looking forward to coming home from work to relax with my fellow chatties and have a good laugh. I so needed to laugh my ass off, but, it didn't work out that way. Instead, R called from work and needed a part, so I headed off to the Ford dealership to pick up the part and rushed it to the garage. On the good side - jamming to Katy Perry. That chick can sing. And this song itself just cracks me up. Gotta love a good jam on the ipod. So give it a whirl. It just might make you day a little nicer. I know it did mine.

Video is hilarious too.

I'm off to get dinner for the kids. McDonalds. UGH. Had that for lunch. Why does that always figure? You buy lunch for work and then end up getting the same damn thing for dinner. Think there's enough leftover taco stuff to make taco salad for me. *Wink* Sounds like I got the better dinner deal. But that's just me.

Live - Laugh - Love - Always

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