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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#612534 added October 12, 2008 at 10:04pm
Restrictions: None
Cemetaries and Orchards
It was such a nice day. Warmer than it has been, in the lower 80's - essentially, heaven. Felt good to have the warm sun on my face without the added chilly breeze. So we headed off to the cemetary, and planned to hit the Apple Orchard afterward. Now taking this new route out to our destination, we didn't see anyone selling flowers on the side of the road. We went to the gravesite anyway, stayed for ten minutes, before heading off to the Apple Orchard. Hubby said we'd look for flowers on the way back, and put them on the gravestones before heading back home.

The Apple Orchard was busy. Typically is this time of year. It has been at least 5 years since we've been out there. It's changed only slightly. This year they had rides. Do you believe that? Hay rides, picking your own apples, the pumpkin patch, watching how they make cider and donuts are just not enough anymore. They have to have rides. OMG. Serioiusly, is it me? Am I the only one who finds this insane? Maybe I'm getting old. *Rolleyes*

After the bees swarmed us wanting the damn cider, we headed back, found some flowers and hit the cemetary one more time. I was the only one to get out of the car, and I admit it pissed me off. But then hubby joined me, and so did the boys. And I didn't even have to glare, or grumble, they just did it. I broke the bouquet in half, setting them in my Uncle's and Grandparents vases. They looked nice, purple and pink. I could do without the pink, but it was a package deal. Hubby said a prayer in Arabic just before leaving. And then I make an innocent comment that started a lovely afternoon argument. Oh joy!

I have known since I married him 17 years ago that he wants to be buried back in Lebanon. I have no problems with this, and if I outlive him, I intend to see to it that he is buried at home. Well, I wondered if the spot next to my uncle was empty. That it might be a good idea to look into it for me. BIG mistake. Seriously, I don't plan to be buried in Lebanon. I want to be buried here, where the rest of my family is. If not next to my grandparents and Uncle, then near some of my blood relatives. Well hubby's all ticked that this will mean the end of our love story. *Laugh* I found it funny, he did not. Now we are at a crossroads. Yippie.

This only led to more irritation as I struggled to work on chapter six of DD. He got pissed and told me that it was Sunday, time to relax, and I needed to step away from the computer. I am so easily agitated when being TOLD what to do. I did it anyway, and took a nap. And yes, I am still stuck because of one damn sentence. I asked Danny to help, and the part that sounded odd to me, read fine to him, it was the end of the sentence that bugged him. Now this is the straight "A" student, so I guess I should listen to him, but damn he's only in 8th grade. Funny how I wished my kids would be smarter than me. Now that very idea freaks me right out. And when he tells me things and rolls his eyes because I didn't know it, well then I just want to rip my hair out.

And finally. Last night as we gathered around talking, I reminded my brother Joey how last year I got my first ticket, which I blamed him for. I mean, if I hadn't mentioned it in conversation with him, then I wouldn't have jinxed myself and got a ticket for rolling a stop sign. I admit to speeding, I do it all the time. A speeding ticket would have been better than rolling a stop sign. Hubby and I headed off to the garage to pick up a car for him to drive to work, and then we hit Kmart so I could get some groceries. God forbid the boys don't have lunch snacks tomorrow. Anyway, as we are leaving Kmart, I get a text from Joey. He got a ticket. And of course, he blames ME! See the irony? *Laugh* I told hubby that from now on at family get to togethers, tickets should be off limits. With all this good luck in our family, it will just mean that someone else will get one the next time the subject pops up.


Here's a blast from the past. I heard it in a commerical, called my mom to find out who sang it and then headed straight to itunes to buy it. Now get up off your asses and dance!


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