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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#613378 added October 17, 2008 at 6:03pm
Restrictions: None
It's Friday ...
Bitches *Laugh* Just couldn't help myself.

The alarm goes off at 6am, since Zak wanted to shower before school. I was ready to get out of bed anyway. I turned onto my right side - BIG mistake. It seemed to irritate my stomach a bit more. As I was slowly making my way out of the bed, hubby tells me to stay, that he'll get up. I forgot to get the coffee ready the night before, and so wanted a cup of Jo, and I wanted to be the one to make the Zak and Danny's lunches. That damn Mom thing in me. UGH! It's fine though, I felt better once I was on my feet. I had Zak add the soap to the dishwasher, and start it up, while I washed a few stray dishes by hand. Now if I'd been thinking, I would have left it, but I didn't. All the jostling around scrubbing the pan that I cooked steak in the night before really hurt. I always blame all the laughing I did in chat yesterday, with my mom during the day, and at dinner. Who knew that laughing used so many stomach muscles.

Another reason I wanted to get up, was that the Toni saga was running through my head. Now that Mainstream Workshop is up and running again, I have a place to get this four book saga read and revised. I am probably taking on way too much, but I do enjoy it. So I opened up book two, On The Horizon and am giving chapter one a read through. I don't want to post it with blanant errors, so I figure it's better to read it first.

Went into chat this morning, and we started talking about music, which only sent me running to Youtube and itunes, buying songs I used to love so much. At this rate, I am going to use up my 8g's of memory before Christmas. I've only had this ipod since the holiday last year. Now this group I heard of because they are HUGE in Lebanon. Not so sure how much air play they get in the states, and I believe only one of their songs made it to the radio here. Well I can remember coming home and raving about them, bought a casette so I could listen to them here.


Have a listen. These boys can sing I tell ya!

A few surprises showed up in my email box today. Since I didn't log on last night, I didn't see a cnote that I got. It was so cute, Halloween themed with a cute message. And then I got another today, with 1,000 gp's. Only problem is that I can't personally thank anyone for them, since they were from anonymous. So whoever out there sent them to me, I loved them, and I thank you.

My mother has been over everyday, doing the laundry, helping me out with things I can not do for myself at this time. While here today she decided she was going to clean the floor. I have hardwood throughout, and use the swiffer sweeper. So I tell her that's what I use, that I planned to take care of it tomorrow with Zak's help, but she felt the need to clean it today. I had just finished eating a sandwich, saw her take the swiffer, but not the cloths that attach to them. I get up, peek into the dining room from the kitchen and tell her it's missing the swiffer cloth. Well shit, all that did was start her laughing, which through me into a laughing fit. And that hurts! I stood in the doorway holding my stomach and cracking up. Just thinking about it right now I want to laugh because it was hilarious. Love you mom. And I warned you that I was going to blog that. *Laugh*

Gotta order pizza for dinner. Mom's heading back to have dinner with us. Wonder what she'll feel the need to clean this time. *Shock* Kidding, I swear.


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