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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#615909 added October 31, 2008 at 10:37pm
Restrictions: None
It's Friday Bitches...

That's right. It's back. I'm back. Woots to blogging. Hasn't been a great Halloween, but at least it's almost over with.

I'm in a lot of pain today. Not exactly sure why, but I will get over it. My hormones are raging like they never have before in my life, so that's always oh so pleasant. NOT. Guess I can sum up today as one of those days that you think things will go a certain way, only to have nothing work out the way you expected. I know better than to make plans, for they always fall thru. All part of my luck, lots and lots of rotten friggin luck.

People always seem to amaze me. You think you know someone, and then suddenly something happens, something you might not even realize, and BAM! Everything changes in an instant. I so hate that. I wonder what I'd missed to begin with. I am aware that I have a tendency to overlook short comings, always looking for the best in people. So does that means it's my own fault when they let me down? I can't help being trusting, I've always been that way, even as a child. I like to open myself up, and 9 times out of 10 I am rewarded with great relationships. But that one that changes, that throws me for loop always seems to bug me the most.

Went back to work on Wednesday, my normal day off. It was pretty slow, and slow is always boring for me. Since my laptop crashed on Tuesday, I didn't get a chance to hook up the printer and print some chapters to read. Yesterday I shipped hubby off to the doc. Looks like he'll be the next one going in for surgery. He doesn't just have one hernia, I mean one would be quite enough, but we like to do things the difficult way. Doc says, looks like he should have both sides checked out. Since they don't think it's an emergency, he has to see the surgeon who will take a look and then schedule it at a later date. Was hoping my surgeon would be able to do hubby's too, but of course he doesn't take my crappy insurance. Monday we will be getting the referal from our regular doc.

Yesterday while hubby was cutting the grass, I started getting pounded with IM's from Lebanon. My MIL is all upset since her baby is sick and hadn't called to tell her what was going on. I told Hamoudie that I'd have hubby call, but my MIL refused to go to sleep until she heard from hubby. So I yanked him off the tractor and made him talk to his mother. She's freaking out about the hernia, and I heard her mention that if he doesn't get it taken care of, then he might not be able to produce sperm. Well, I turned to hubby and told him to tell her it's ok, I'm done having kids. *Laugh* Apparently I am the only one to find humor in that. Whatever. It was damn funny.


Can you say honeymoon baby? *Shock* Nazik and Issam are expecting a baby! Woots!!! Reminds me of Zak. That boy was totally a honeymoon baby, so I can totally relate to this. This will be the first great-grandchild for hubby's parents. Ah, a spoiled child it will be for certain. I mean hey, with me living over here and only getting summer visits, I'll have to make up for a year of pampering. *Wink* Gets me all excited to go shopping for baby stuff. Can you see the purple dresses, and hair bows, with black shiny shoes. Oh yeah, I can picture it all so well right now.

We are already getting ready for the holidays. That's right, moving furniture around, and talking about that damn flat screen tv to go above the fireplace. Now that we have new furniture, thngs are a bit awkward in the living room. The tv is out of place, looking strange in it's new home. We've been talking about that flat tv for about 5 years now, but this time, hubby actually seems pretty serious. All I can say is, tv for you, tree for me. I REFUSE to put up that crappy old Christmas Tree. If I'd had my way last year, it would have been in the garbage the day after New Year's, but hubby made me keep it. I reminded him that the only tree that will be going up in my living room this year will be a new one. I am totally serious and will not budge an inch on this. And a new tree means I'll have to go and get a few more purple ornaments. One can never have enough purple I tell ya! I should really post a pic of it all done up in purple and silver. Very classy!

Tomorrow noon is the deadline for the Weekly Quickie. I am so ready for it to be over with. Sci is making me absolutely nuts, and he is so very good at it too. *Laugh* I swear he doesn't work half as hard as I do to come up with zingers to out whip him. He's been in my blog, in my guestbook, all over the boards in the quickie forum, in his blog and daily in chat. It's downright tiring. ~~sigh~~ But we will know come Monday night if either of us have placed, or if we have to look to the chatties for a winner. I've read almost all the entries, and the more that post, the more I become worried. Think mine is really missing that horror element. I have the erotica down, but horror is totally new for me. And I went in a few new directions other than horror as well.

Anyway - thanks sciwriter1 for making me laugh everyday while you came after me. It's much appreciated. I still think it's one of my better pieces, and if I didn't have the bet going on with you, I wouldn't have worked my butt off to try and beat you. Always a pleasure, my friend. And yes, I am being nice. Shocking isn't it? Too tired to toss a few barbs your way, LOL. But don't forget to check the quickie forum since I owe you a reply. That can't be helped, and it's oh so deserving.

Well, I'm outta here. Need to get some sleep and hopefully wake up tomorrow in a better mood than the one I got going on right now. Anything is possible.


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