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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#617661 added November 9, 2008 at 4:20pm
Restrictions: None
The dilema
To help or not to help, that is the question I am mulling over at the moment. I'm trying my best not to jump right in with both feet, which is a good think and so unlike me. How do you help someone who clearly doesn't want it? Can you? I know I can't possibly save the world, but I have a big heart, and I like to do whatever I can for people that I care about. Addiction is a nasty thing, and watching the impending train wreck approaching is something I do not enjoy. The urge to jump in and save the day is there, and maintaining distance is like torture to me. I can't help but feel as if I could, or should, or need to be doing something more than I am already doing at the moment. It's a damn pain in my ass, I tell ya.

It's damn gloomy here today, rain, windy, cold. Welcome to winter my friends. *Laugh* I went with my mother to buy a wreath for the graves, then out to the cemetary. Every time I go back there I feel the need to buy a plot for myself, to be near the ones that I loved and have gone before me. But since hubby is having none of that, I have another crossroads to contend with. Oh joy, exactly what I need at the moment.

Started working on my kick Sci's butt piece. I think it's going to be a good one if I can maintain the high level of intensity that I know I must have. It's not only him I must beat, no, I get to also try my hand at beating New Beginnings... as well. And these people call themselves my friends? *Wink* Yeah, well, I luv em both, so I will write my story, try to keep the banter high til early January, and hope to hell when the chatties vote that I at least beat the brit. He's making me crazy already and it's not even December. The boy must pay for that kind of torture! Woots, lol.

Computer is still crashing. Thought about going up to Staples and having the tech guys who know me by name take a look at it. I've given them so much money over the last year, it's the least they can do. I mean serious, HP is practically useless at this point. I just want the damn IE to stop freezing up every time I get a message or open more than three pages at once. I know it an be done, they fixed this issues before, but for some reason, they claim Mozilla Firefox is my solution, but with that crap, I can not get into chat, so it's not an option for me damn it!

Have a lunch date on Thursday. I am so looking forward to this. Haven't seen Andrea in forever so this will be a great time to catch up. Since my graduating high school class are too lazy to have a damn reunion every ten years, we have to find other ways of finding one another again. Thank God for I was able to reconnect with a lot of people again, and plan to keep it up. Besides, I loved high school, it was the best four years of my life, and that was no easy task, believe me. I was constantly picked on, for various reasons, mostly because I hardly ever held a grudge, and loved to make sure I paid people back. *Laugh* Just ask the girls whose pictures made it up on the Endangered Species board. *Shock* Yeah, my bad, what can I say. It was totally deserved.

Keep listening to this Bruce Springsteen song, so now you'll get to head on over to youtube and give it a listen for yourselves.

I'm outta here.


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