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I am a 40 year old married mother of two teenage boys. I live for writing, especially romance. Love the happily ever after scenerio. The best thing about writing for me is the ability to lose yourself in your work, and feel as if you've accomplished something great. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
The Waiting Game
#621653 added December 1, 2008 at 10:16pm
Restrictions: None
The good with the bad
That is what life is all about. Taking the good with the bad. Unfortunately for me, it all seems to be one bad thing after another. Looking back, I took off for the summer, had a decent vacation, came home well rested, and upon my return, the badness began. I have to wonder if it's karma coming to kick my ass for all the bad things I've done over the years. I was a wild child, no secret there.

With hubby being out of comission, and not playing by the rules, the burdon falls to me. I have done a decent job, but there is much I don't want to do, and it's really stressing me out. We R/R'd an engine on a Taurus. Car came back two days later making a ton of noise. Since hubby couldn't work on it, we called the junk yard for a replacement and offered to pay a few hundred to have them yank it. They sent it elsewhere. I dropped it off Tuesday morning, and by Friday morning they still hadn't looked at it. Being the middle woman, sucked. Dealing with the guy who was supposed to fix it, hubby laid up at home, and the junk yard was enough to make me want to rip my damn hair out. Pick up the car today, and the guy says the junk yard shouldn't be paying a penny. I have $30 on me. I call the junk yard since he'd already told me he paid. He wants me to pay full price. Call hubby at the shop, who's having a fit. He calls the junk yard. Guy comes out and says he doesn't understand why I am still there, to take the car. Hubby calls back, says take the car.

Get back to work. Another customer is trying to pull out of having her engine R/R'd, after we've already disconnected everything and are ready to pull it, not to mention the new engine is waiting to go in. Hubby straightens that out. Customer picks up Taurus, and the trans is not shifting, and the speedometer doesn't work. *Rolleyes* SHIT!!! Damn the luck. I so want that car off the lot and gone out of my sight, but it is not to be. Hubby digs around, thinking the other guy forgot to reconnect the sensor, and burns his arm. Like we need that on top of the no lifting more than 3lbs for the next twelve weeks.

Our employee, bailed at 3:30. So the mood in the house is not a good one. I am trying hard to find that light at the end of the tunnel, but it feels like everything is working against me at the moment.

I will bide my time, and hope to hell that something good starts happening to turn things around.

I did win the quickie over the weekend, and that did make me happy, for all of two seconds.

Oooo, and I forgot. Friends I hadn't seen in forever dropped by on Saturday afternoon. It was so great to see Cindy and Gary. They look damn good I tell ya. Gary wasn't impressed with my Ohio State Sweatshirt, but he didn't hold it against me. *Wink* I am a nice girl.

Got the tree up and all purpled out. I am never satisfied with the decorations, always on a quest to buy more. Hubby thinks that it would be overkill, but I think not. Wonder who will win this arguement? Hmmm. As for the damn icicle lights, I am missing four strings, and two that are up have suddenly stopped working. What a waste of time. Poor Zak had to be the one on the ladder and swears that he will never hang lights outside his house when he moves out. I told him that when he gets married and has a family, all that will change.

Guess that's it. Rant over.

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