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#626517 added January 3, 2009 at 12:40pm
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Grandson and Mimi's Day Out
I forgot what being in a large city was like.  I don't like it.  Cars, cars, cars, and people impatiently honking their horns.  Hundreds of people out shopping and not being particularly courteous about it.  I think I will be glad to return to nowhere. 

Today was my grandson's--Spencer's- Day Out with Mimi.  We bowled in the same bowling alley I first bowled in 47 years amazing is that?  Our scores were 91-63 and 64-61.  He won both.  He wouldn't shut up about beating me on the last ball by throwing a strike.  I thought everyone should know he used the buffers.  But, if you notice neither of us broke a 100!  I was afraid if I tried to lunge as I released the ball--which was too heavy for me to lift anyway--I would fall over and never get back up.

Then we went for delicious ice cream and hit the movie theatre.  We pigged out on buttered popcorn and diet Cokes and watched Bedtime Stories which was a great, feel good movie.  When I asked Spencer to tell me about the movie we were going to see, he said, "Adam Sandler's in it.  Need I say more?"  Indeed, he didn't need to say any more because I am a big AS fan!

Next we shopped for BB pistols that require CO2 to shoot.  I probably don't have that right, but that is more than I need to know.  Then we went to Best Buy and messed around before going to have dinner with the rest of the family.

Spencer is a most interesting young man.  He can come out with some of the funniest things.  He also sees and makes associations you'd never dream could come out of him.  Going home we admired the Christmas lights on a house and he informed me that his neighbors probably assumed they were Jewish this year. " What?"  I asked.  "You know, Mimi, no decorations."  This kid is one smart cookie.  He is 10 going on about 30.  He loves knives and fire.  Don't take that the way it sounds.  But, he is very low maintance.  He is happy with a stick pounding the dirt all day if that is what is available to him.  Super Kid!

Tomorrow will be Sydney's day and my last grandmother-grandchild day.  I have really enjoyed having a day with each one.  They are more like sisters and brothers to each other, so taking one at a time is so nice.  It's a real pleasure to be able to concentrate and enjoy each alone.

Ruby says I should write my dreams down, so last night I dreamed that a teacher was using my classroom everynight and moving my desks all around and writing all over my board without erasing it. To make things even worse this teacher used my yard stick and broke it and fixed it with Duct Tape.  I was fit to be tied.  I guess I have quite a Fetish when it comes to someone messing with my classroom.  Besides that I am known as the Duct Tape Queen and how dare anyone mess with my nickname!  Why am I the Duct Tape Queen?  Because I enforce the dress code with it.  Top cut too low?  Zap some duct tape on it so I don't have to stare at boobies all period.  Holes in blue jeans?  A little duct tape can fix that.  Inappropriate saying on a t-shirt?  DT will get rid of it!  Get the picture?  I am the Queen because it is my classroom!  And, DON'T EVER FORGET IT!

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