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#628081 added January 6, 2009 at 5:59am
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Writers Who Get Snippy with Their Reviewers
I have a few questions I would like to ask and if anyone out there has an answer, I am ALL EARS.

1. Why would a person list their writing and ask for a review, then, in essence, tell the reviewer it was written such and so because they wanted it that way?
Well, good for you. If, however, you do not have an open mind, why would you ask for reviews? If you wanted to make your writing polished, why not at least try a few ideas out?

2. Why would someone say in response to a review: Well, that is just a piece I am working on. It does not need any reviews?
Excuse me, but aren’t the writers the ones that ask for the review? Why would a writer put something on WDC and mark it open to the public that is “being worked on?” I would be embarrassed to open to the public a work in progress. I certainly wouldn’t ask for site-wide for reviews. Is there something crazy going on here or am I just a lunatic?

3. Why would people not want to have at least their spelling and punctuation corrected?
Lord love a duck! I think I can really assure someone with writing full of mechanical errors that they will never be published except on their own home page or on WDC. I have taught English for 37 years. I usually know what I am talking about in this department.

4. Why do people want to argue with someone about their writing when THEY asked to have reviewed?
Once again, having taught English and writing for 37 years—that’s 37 years—I know the rules and in some reviews, I recited the rules I COPIED OUT OF OUR HIGH SCHOOL GRAMMAR books and the writer still wants to argue? Give me a break.

5. Why is it when you get someone who says “be really rough on me, make me cry” they usually have a 5.0 piece?
BECAUSE THEY CARE, PEOPLE. Wake up and smell the roses..

6. Why do people review your work and say “nice work and give it a 3?
If it has only earned a 3, I especially need to know why this particular piece did not move you. Why waste their time reading my work if they don’t have any useful comments.  If you can't offer me some hint of what your didn't like, how are you helping me?

7. Why am I becoming so paranoid about giving ratings?
If 3.0 is average, then surely there are many average pieces here. Joining WDC and becoming part of the community is a great thing, but it does not make you Hemingway. And, furthermore, I don’t appreciate Smarty Pants who get really snide about their ratings and then go to your port and rate you down to salve their poor little bruised prides.

In closing, I am grateful for all critiques I get here. I know they have made me a better writer and certainly my pieces much stronger. I know that as writers we view our finished products as our babies. Sure, criticism is hard to take, but if you write to have a good, polished piece, why wouldn’t a person consider constructive criticism? Am I senile, or are we not all striving to be better today than we were yesterday? Thanks. I feel better.

Some of us can't pose for sculptures, we have papers to grade.

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