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#630215 added January 17, 2009 at 11:45am
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Bits & PIeces: Random Thoughts
I notice that I have missed writing in (or on) my blog three times since Jan. 1st.  My goal is to not miss very many before the end of the year.  Since I wrote five before the end of 2008, I figure that I am still ahead of the game.  I know I won't be able to write everyday for all the various reasons every other human being has. 

We have had three frigid days here in Arkansas and don't often get weather like that down south.  My husband, who is primarily from Conn. and Mich., thrives in this weather.  I don't.  I enjoy it for about three days and am ready for Spring to come.  The animals have withstood it well even though they are too stupid to go make a bed in the three "sheds" available to them.  In addition, we have a carport that has sides to the ground on two sides where several machines with cushy seats stay.  In summer the dogs and cats go in and sit on these machines, but they haven't figured out that in cold weather, it would a whole bunch better than laying on the front porch.  I've tried to keep warm towels going out to them, but they look at me like I am crazy. I give up but love them dearly.  I love the fact that they love me so-o-o much for no reason.

The guinea birds were ready for some water this morning as it was frozen. When I looked out the window, they started "buckwheat"-ing me and  I took hot water out to them.  They seemed appreciative.  Then, I carried a whole new bowl out to the porch and put water in it for the cats and dogs.  The dogs liked it.  The cats chose to drink with the birds.

I am enjoying the two classes I am taking at New Horizons Writing Academy.  They are enlightening and informative.  They are also pushing me to think out of the box and to write and explore.  I have shared this experience with my students at school and they seem to be excited about it as well.  One thing they really like is seeing me in the student desk.  I am liking it as well.  It brings back memories about my struggles in high school with certain concepts.  Therefore, I am able to approach these on a new level with my students and they are glad for that.

My students are so great....even the challenging ones.  Or, should I say especially the challenging ones.  So many are dear to me for various reasons that retiring--which I should do this year--is not what I want to do.  Tommy texted (is that a word yet?) me several times last week-end begging me to stay until his class graduates.  Garrett said he arranged his whole schedule around the fact that he wanted to be in my class for LA III.  Kaley has been lobbing me for two years to stay for her class to graduate.  She has promised me whe will keep all her grades up if I will.  And, I can say with pride they do not want me to stay because I am easy.  I hold my students to very high standards in behavior and learning.  But, I respect them as equals when that respect is returned.  I am also young-at-heart and we have such great times at Beta conventions!

Who would have thought Michael would have become a reader?  He spent the first 14 weeks reading 10 pages in a bunch of books and taking them back to the library.  I let him into my book closet in Novemb er where he picked out Left Behind to read.  I chuckled to myself that he would not last his usual 10 pages in that book that is probably 500 pages long.  Today he came to get the 5th book in the series for read.  I have ordered the next three for him.  Th school won't pay for them, but who cares?  Michael won't have a gaggle of opportunities open to him in life, but, by golly, he will be a life reader.  It doesn't get any better than that.

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