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When I write, I draw on my experiences as a woman with a painful past, a rapturous wife and mother, a world traveler, and a spiritualist. For me, writing is an art form. Like an artist, the work becomes more than I imagined it would be. When I set out to write a story with a particular idea or character in mind, words I cannot claim as my own flow from a magical and mysterious place through me and onto paper. The work takes on a life of its own; it is living art. The process fascinates me, satiates me, and makes my life more meaningful. Please read my stories! If you would like to offer me feedback on my work, please click here and sign up for a free membership: I hope to see you there!
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#722821 added April 22, 2011 at 10:00am
Restrictions: None
'S' is for...?
Today, I'm combining my A-Z blogfest challenge with Jessica Bell and the third and final writing challenge for the Writer's Platform Building Crusade. So, my prompt today is:

In 300 words or less, write a passage that shows (rather than tells) a character exhibiting an emotion/feeling/state of mind that begins with the letter 'S', and that incorporates the following additional prompts:
· you're scared and hungry
· it's dusk
· you think someone is following you
· and just for fun, see if you can involve all five senses AND include these random words: shimmer, saccadic, substance, and salt.

Here's my offering:

Carmen’s stomach rumbling cut through the stillness of the darkening park. She’d left raw steaks out when she’d stormed off. A scolding voice whispered it was messed up to be more concerned about that than about hurting Ted’s feelings. She shushed that voice.

Scowling up at the last shimmer of pink in the sky, Carmen pictured Ted at home, lounging in his comfortable Lay-Z-Boy, that stupid textbook in his hand. In her diva voice, the one she normally reserved for the stage, she sang out, “His eyes dancing a seductive saccade across the pages.” How many seductive dances did she have to perform to get him to notice her again? Since he started back at school, she’d become invisible, just a person to cook and clean for him. Well, to hell with him and his dreams of being a scholar, a man of substance. Please.

She kicked a rock on the path as she walked, listening to it tumble along the cobblestone. A twig snapped.

The hairs on the back of her neck bristled. She spun around, but no one was there.

Carmen breathed deep. Get a grip. She fancied she smelled the briny mist of the seashore, but that was impossible this far inland. She probably just craved salt. She could almost taste those steaks – damn you, Ted -- and another peal of thunder rolled through her stomach.


Carmen turned, eyes wide. “Who’s there?” she demanded. Her cotton t-shirt felt damp under the arms.

Movement, in the shadows.

An explosion of panic burst in Carmen’s gut and she bolted for the park entrance. As she ran, her thoughts cut to Ted. Won’t he be sorry if something tragic happened to her? Misery would eat at him each time he’d speak her name, or tell people how important she'd been to him, all the while knowing in his heart how he’d ignored her, treated her like a common possession. He’d realize he’d lost the precious thing she was.

Carmen slowed, and then stopped. Turning, she peered back into the shadows.


Any guesses what 'S' emotion/feeling/state of mind Carmen has exhibited? Won't you leave your guesses in the comment section? I love hearing from you!

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