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BattywynšŸŽ¶ , also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
La Bene Vita
#739462 added November 14, 2011 at 8:49am
Restrictions: None
It's time to re-evaluate my goals. I didn't even add my daily NaNo word count goal to my blog the first of November;  while I publicly track that on WDC and NaNo's website, this blog is where I hold myself accountable. I also have two impending moves converging at the end of this month: (1) I'm closing on my house and need to get my stuff out, and (2) we're renovating the studio and need to get some stuff out. Both moves require storage garage rental and scheduling movers or a bunch of stout friends. And third, I started a knitting project: I'm making a bell door hanger for Sammy so he can let us know when he needs to go potty at the school. So without further ado, I announce my newest goals:

Moving and Renovation
*Bullet*Rent a storage garage: Got email quotes and ready to sign a lease. Plan to stop by on my way to work, maybe, if I get moving on time this morning (i.e., NOW.) I also need to purchase a padlock, and preferably one that's resistant to bolt cutters. Despite the gated location, I'm nervous about theft; I experienced a theft from another gated storage facility once. Soon after that, hail and wind damage took out the roof of my house, and then State Farm dropped me for two homeowner claims in a thirteen-year period. *kicks State Farm*
*Bullet* Move crap out of the garage: Furniture and appliance donations complete. One more load of trash to the street this week. Need storage for the rest, and as soon as I sign that lease and get access, I'll start taking a (small) load over every day on my way home from work.
*Bullet* Move crap out of the studio: Pending storage and acquisition of color-coded tubs. Our receptionist, Karen, had this cute idea to get an orange tub for Halloween decorations, red for Christmas, pink for Valentine's Day, green for St. Patty's Day, blue for July 4th, and of course purple for everything else (the official Michelle Tuesday   color. But I couldn't find colored storage tubs in singles anywhere on the Internet. So I handed her the reigns. Delegation is so fun.
*Bullet* Renovation: Keith and Roy, a studio dad, have been talking about demolition of the window display. Karen's husband Brian is working on a custom-built desk idea for the new computer lab. We have conflicting issues: Practicality of Use versus Code versus Maximization of Capacity. I can't find a ready-to-use desk that's big enough to hold a laptop and a mouse but small enough in width to leave a code-friendly exit path and small enough in depth to fit five lab stations along the west wall. But, damn it, my custom dimensions are perfect, and I'm tired of being told by my construction-savvy helpers that custom-built desks aren't an option. What they mean is, *they* can't personally build custom desks that will look nice.

Not today. This is a good thing to do in front of the TV with Keith, because for some reason it's less offensive and anti-social than sitting on my laptop in front of the TV. Since I work tonight and tomorrow night, this will happen Wednesday. It should be a quick, easy project. It's like a ribbon ten stitches wide, although I'm using tiny needles, so it is taking awhile to grow length.

Reach 275 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11.
*Writing* 234.

*Bullet* Blog at   by the end of the month: Pending.
*Bullet* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: This goal steps aside in November for the one below *Down*
*Bullet* 2,000 NaNoWriMo   words per day: Pending and behind, so 4,000 goal for today.

Count points:
No, and Keith pointed out that I'm an utter failure in this, since we made a deal. I was supposed to start counting if he quit smoking, which he did, like a year ago. *Blush* Therefore, I'm proud to report that I had three cups of coffee (so far) at a point apiece, a small handful of mixed nuts (2 points) and my leftover ice cream from Coldstone. Delish breakfast, and loaded with protein. *Thumbsup*  I will continue to report on my food consumption throughout the day.

Total so far today: 9
(3) Coffee
(2) Nuts
(4) Leftover Coldstone ice cream concoction (about 3/4 cup)

And in other goal-related news, I would like new bedding and a new car. "New, bigger house" is also on the list, but we're realistic.

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