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Blogocentric Formulations #900711 added December 31, 2016 at 3:52pm Restrictions: None
2016 Reading List
It's the end of 2016, which means it's time to review all the reading and listening I've done over the past calendar year. Last year, I was fairly sure I set records that would stand for a good long time when I consumed 80 books, 501 podcasts, 31 comics, and 20 scripts. This past year, I ended up setting high-water marks for not just books, but also podcasts, comics, and scripts. Here's how 2016 breaks down:
= favorite
= also highly recommended
Books (click to expand full list) ▼
1st to Die by James Patterson
Abomination by Gary Whitta
Aftermath by Chuck Wendig
American Apocalypse by Nova
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Ark of Blood by Joanna Penn
Armada by Ernest Cline
Autumn Falls by Bella Thorne
Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan
Beach, The by Alex Garland
Best American Mystery Stories (2014), The edited by Laura Lippman
Best American Short Stories (2014), The edited by Jennifer Egan
Breed by Rena Robinett
Calamity by Brandon Sanderson
Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett
Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan
Crown Conspiracy, The by Michael J. Sullivan
Crypt of Bone by Joanna Penn
Cuckoo's Calling, The by Robert Galbraith
Cursed by J.A. Cipriano
Darker Shade of Magic, A by V.E. Schwab
Decisively Engaged by C.J. Carella
Desecration by Joanna Penn
Die Trying by Lee Child
Dispatcher, The by John Scalzi
Earth Alone by Daniel Arenson
Elusive by Sara Rosett
Eye of the God by Ariel Allison
Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold
First Colony by Kevin Tumlinson
Fortune's Rising by Sara King
Gap Into Conflict: The Real Story by Stephen R. Donaldson
Girl Jacked by Christopher Greyson
Girl on the Train, The by Paula Hawkins
Girl with the Long Green Heart, The by Lawrence Block
Her Last Tomorrow by Adam Croft
Hit Girls by Garrett Robinson
House That Death Built, The by Michaelbrent Collings
Huntress Moon by Alexandra Sokoloff
I Am Princess X by Cheri Priest
In Cold Blood by Mark Dawson
Infecting the Boss's Daughter by Jason Hutchinson
John Carter in A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Kiss Before Dying, A by Ira Levin
Left Hand of Darkness, The by Ursula Le Guin
Legend by Marie Lu
Living and the Dead, The by Todd Travis
Locked In by John Scalzi
Luigi's Chinese Delicatessen by Jim Vines
Memory Man by David Baldacci
Mercury Falls by Robert Kroese
Mistress by James Patterson
Monster Calls, A by Patrick Ness
Murder House, The by James Patterson
Natural History of Dragons, A by Marie Brennan
Neuromancer by William Gibson
NYPD Red by James Patterson
Off to Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer
Outcast by Aaron Allston
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Redshirts by John Scalzi
Risen Gods by Joanna Penn & J. Thorn
Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham
Rogues edited by George R.R. Martin
Sea of Tranquility, The by Katja Millay
Sign of Four, The by Arthur Conan Doyle
Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep
Star Nomad by Lindsay Buroker
Girl with All the Gifts, The by M.R. Carey
Thousand Fiendish Angels, A by Joanna Penn
Through Many Fires by Kyle Pratt
Tombs, The by Clive Cussler
Transfer of Power by Vince Flynn
Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman
Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich
United Federation Marine Corps: Recruit by Jonathan Brazee
Vick's Vultures by Scott Warren
White Gold by Rachel Amphlett
Woods, The by Harlan Coben
Art of Tough, The by Barbara Boxer
Best American Essays (2014), The edited by John Jeremiah Sullivan
Best American Science & Nature Writing (2014), The edited by Deborah Blum
Best American Sports Writing (2014), The edited by Christopher McDougall
Best American Travel Writing (2014), The edited by Paul Theroux
Book of Joy, The by The Dalai Lama & Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Doors of Perception, The by Aldous Huxley
Emotionally Health Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling
Maps and Legends by Michael Chabon
My First New York by New York Magazine
Personal Borders by Martin Aguilera
Personal MBA, The by Josh Kaufman
Power of a Praying Husband, The by Stormie Omartian
Pursuit of God, The by A.W. Tozer
Supergods by Grant Morrison
War of Art, The by Steven Pressfield
Whistlestop by John Dickerson
Why Cities Matter by Stephen Um & Justin Buzzard
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher
For fiction, Ernest Cline easily took the top spots on my list with both Ready Player One and Armada. He took my childhood love of video games and pop culture and turned it into two amazing narratives that had me laughing, gasping, tearing up, and everything in between. John Scalzi's Redshirts was also a great idea for a book... the characters find themselves in a Star Trek-like reality where they realize they're "red shirts," a.k.a. the ones that always die on away missions while the gold and blue shirt wearing leadership always miraculously survives. And I had to put Brandon Sanderson's Calamity on there because it was a great ending to his YA superhero trilogy which I've been a huge fan of since the very beginning.
For nonfiction, I really enjoyed Grant Morrison's history and analysis of the history of comics characters in Supergods, and finally got around to reading Steven Pressfield's The War of Art and have to say I now know what all the fuss is about. 
Podcasts (click to expand full list) ▼
99% Invisible - 14 episodes
Bitch Sesh - 1 episode
Black List Table Reads - 9 episodes
Chicks Who Script - 2 episodes
Creative Penn, The - 43 episodes
Creative Pep Talk - 9 episodes
Daily Hope with Rick Warren - 6 episodes
Dave Bullis Podcast, The - 1 episode
Dead Pilots Society - 5 episodes
FilmReverie - 3 episodes
Freakonomics - 26 episodes
How Stuff Works - 7 episodes
Imaginary Worlds - 31 episodes
Keepin' It 1600 - 25 episodes
Making Movies Is Hard - 1 episode
Moment with Brian Koppleman, The - 3 episodes
My Dad Wrote A Porno - 6 episodes
Nerdist Podcast - 9 episodes
Nerdist Writer's Panel - 56 episodes
NPR Politics Podcast - 43 episodes
Planet Money - 19 episodes
Q&A, The - 9 episodes
Radiolab - 1 episode
ROCKHARBOR Podcast - 13 episodes
Rocking Self Publishing Podcast - 40 episodes
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Marketing Podcast - 7 episodes
Scriptnotes - 50 episodes
Self-Publishing Podcast - 52 episodes
Serial - 9 episodes
Slate Political Gabfest - 55 episodes
Story Grid - 3 episodes
Stuff You Missed in History Class - 40 episodes
TED Radio Hour - 20 episodes
Writing Excuses - 54 episodes
I had three favorite new podcasts this year, in addition to the regulars that I continued listening to. Keepin' It 1600 is a politics podcast co-hosted by former Obama senior strategy and communications advisor Dan Pfeiffer and Jon Favreau (Obama's former chief speechwriter, not the director  ). Even though they were admittedly overconfident and a little condescending about the election coverage, they both have an amazing inside perspective at what a presidential administration has to deal with and needs to accomplish and their commentary has been fascinating. I also loved Dead Pilots Society (from Ben Blacker, the same guy who hosts the Nerdist Writer's Panel), where he does table reads of pilot scripts that everyone loves and were bought by networks but never actually made it to screen. And, for pure entertainment value, My Dad Wrote A Porno has been absolutely hysterical. A British man discovered that his elderly father has taken to writing (very bad) erotica under a pen name, so naturally he figured the best thing to do was to find two friends so they can read and discuss a chapter a week in podcast form. 
Comics (click to expand full list) ▼
All New X-Men - 5 issues
Ame-Comi Girls - 39 issues
Avengers: Age of Ultron - 11 issues
Batman (2011) - 1 issue
Cable & Deadpool - 6 issues
Call of Wonderland - 4 issues
Civil War - 7 issues
Doctor Strange: The Oath - 5 issues
Dungeons & Dragons - 16 issues
Dungeons & Dragons (Legend of Drizzt, Neverwinter Tales) - 5 issues
Deadpool - 3 issues
Fantastic Four - 6 issues
Gotham Academy - 6 issues
Guardians of the Galaxy - 13 issues
Harley Quinn - 9 issues
Iron Man - 5 issues
Lazarus - 15 issues
Madness of Wonderland - 4 issues
Megalex - 3 issues
No Tomorrow - 5 issues
Red Ten - 1 issue
Return to Wonderland Annuals - 3 issues
Uncanny X-Men - 5 issues
Wake, The - 1 issue
Wonderland - 42 issues
Earlier this year, I read Civil War for the first time, in anticipation of the movie coming out, and I wasn't disappointed. It's one of the best alternate storylines I've read in a long time. Lazarus was a surprisingly good read with a fascinating and well-conceived take on a post-apocalyptic world, and Red Ten (a superhero adaptation of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None) continues to be a favorite despite the fact that they only put out one issue this year.
Scripts (click to expand full list) ▼
A Monster Calls
August: Osage County
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Backstrom (Pilot)
Bad Teacher (Pilot)
Before Midnight
Big Eyes
Blacklist, The (Pilot)
Bling Ring
Brooklyn 9-9 (Pilot)
Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Pilot)
Doctor Strange
Extant (Pilot)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Gotham (Pilot)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Homeland (Pilot)
Intelligence (Pilot)
Iron Man
Jurassic Park
Mixology (Pilot)
Saving Mr. Banks
Secret Life of Pets, The
Sounds of Christmas
Spectacular Now, The
Spring Breakers
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Stranger Things
Tomorrow People (Pilot)
Under the Dome (Pilot)
Wolf of Wall Street
Anatomy of a Stick Figure
Betty Bureau (Pilot)
Blood From a Stone
Chrome Noir
Current War, The
Forever Jiyang, 1937
Formosa (Pilot)
Hitch, The
Laurel & Holly (Pilot)
Loose Women
Monsters of Mary Shelley
Moonlight Mystery (Pilot)
Murder Mystery
Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
Only Child (Pilot)
Rabbit Hole (Pilot)
Shadow Run
Tin Man (Pilot)
Vatican, The (Pilot)
Winter King, The
Wunderland (Pilot)
I'm not putting any favorites or highly recommended on the script section of my reading list because a lot of the writers on this list are my friends and/or colleagues and I don't want to play favorites with my friends and business associates. 
TOTALS: 101 books, 672 podcasts, 220 comics, 65 scripts
PREVIOUS RECORDS: 80 books (2015), 501 podcasts (2015), 202 comics (2014), 62 scripts (2010)
According to Goodreads, my book reading resulted in the following stats. Interestingly, my shortest book was 14 pages shorter than the shortest one I read in 2015, and my longest book was 347 pages shorter than the longest one I read last year... but my average pages per book increased this year by 26 pages.
Total Pages Read: 29,324
Average Pages Per Book: 312
Shortest Book: 25 pages
Longest Book: 806 pages
In "2015 Reading List" , I said the following (marks inserted to indicate success or failure):
I'm thinking that, for 2016, my reading goals will center around the types of things I read ( ) rather than the quantity ( ). Most notably, I'd like to read more books by friends ( ), independent authors ( ), and writers here on WdC ( ). I hope to self-publish something myself soon ( ), and I think I'll get more value out of reading the types of things similar to what I hope to publish ( ) than I will participating in challenges where I'm trying to round out items on a list by choosing genres and subject matters that aren't even close to what I'm interested in for myself as an author ( ).
It's safe to say that my quantity of reading didn't exactly decline this year , but I definitely read more in the genres I want to write in (fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, action/thriller) than trying to find stuff that checked off a box on an arbitrary list. And I'm glad I made a concerted effort to read the work of friends and other independent authors, which was a really rewarding experience. It's nice to find new voices and talented writers outside the ones that perennially pop up at the top of sales charts and reading lists; there are some exceptional talents out there.
I should have read more on WdC and made more progress in my own publishing efforts (I'll discuss that in a future New Years Resolutions post), but overall I'm very happy with my reading this year. I read a lot of great stuff and... at the risk of setting myself up again... I don't think the high-water marks I've set this year are going to be beaten for quite some time. I read a lot (probably more than I should have), and in 2017 I'm going to sacrifice some of that reading time for writing time, hopefully. My 2017 goal is to have a shorter reading list, but a longer writing list.
Farewell 2016... it's time to see what your successor has in store!
© Copyright 2016 Jeff (UN: jeff at Writing.Com). All rights reserved. Jeff has granted InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.