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My name is Joy, and I love to write. Why poetry, here? Because poetry uplifts its writer, and if she is lucky enough, her readers, too. Around us, so many objects abound to write about. Once a poet starts with a smallest, most trivial object, he shall discover that his pen will spill out what is most delicate or most majestic hidden inside him. Since the classics sometimes dealt with lofty subjects with a lofty language, a person with poetry in his soul may incline to emulate that. That is understandable. Poetry does that to a person: it enlarges the soul and gives it wings. Yet, to really soar, a poet needs to take off from the ground. Kiya's gift. I love it!
Everyday Canvas
#988394 added July 17, 2020 at 10:04am
Restrictions: None
Blogging’s Positives and Life’s Difficult Times
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

" Writing is thinking out loud. Blogging is thinking out loud where other folks think back.”~ Liz Strauss
What are your thoughts?


Some people write only for themselves to think and figure out themselves and the world around them, and I am one of them; well, kind of. Blogging is similar to it in that it is thinking things through while writing but not minding that others see it.

As such, while blogging thinks for the present and the future, other types of writing is mostly based upon the past experiences of our civilization.

Then, there is the fact that world’s breakthrough ideas often occur to different people at the same time. This may be because our ideas are our environment’s products and they emerge when they are ready. Before they emerge though, they give off signals. Some of those signals may well come from our blogs for our future.

The good thing about blogging is that the bloggers’ thinking becomes public, regardless of the blog’s subject matter. Then connections take over, and the blogger doesn’t usually get a massive audience, but an audience made up of people with similar interests and thought processes. This is one reason why the established media people have at first scoffed at bloggers for being the small fish.

The established media’s looking down on bloggers had to do with their parroting the past information, a curse of their know-how, while believing that others will immediately grasp their rhetoric. Unfortunately for them, the average person-- dealing with his or her everyday matters--didn’t.

When the bloggers emerged, however, despite the confusion of blogging’s nature, the free-thinking, personalized rhythm in most of the blogs shook up the established media, as the small fish multiplied by leaps and bounds. Thus, noticing the positive results, some of the writers of the established media joined in, as well.

Now, with so many of us blogging, the ideas and events may change the way we think and live much faster. As a result, for the average person today, making connections is an opportunity for connecting to others. It is also an opportunity for the future of thought.

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For: "Space Blog Group

Prompt: From jaya ’s "Invalid Item
Use this sentence in your Blog and be sure to read the above item for your ideas


Thinking that life is trying to give us a hard time is unjustified and incorrect. Things just happen and sometimes, they happen in multitudes. Yet, the point of living isn’t what is happening but how we are responding to it.

We all experience difficult times and low points in our lives that may be tough and painful. Yet, pain is a fundamental part of living and it may well act as a teacher. Thus, minding the teacher and learning from the difficult lesson are important. It is also important to stay positive and fix our attention on the brighter sides of life, so the lessons learned can be put to good use.

Staying positive means--without disregarding the lesson--changing our focus from the difficulty of the experience to other things like the beauty of a dawn or a sunset or the book we are reading or anything that brings us joy.

In this way, the quote, “Even as I go through some trying times, every dawn, everyday feels truly fine,” is justified.

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